Saturday 28 September 2024

Its been a while.....

 Not posted on here in a long time. 

This post was supposed to go up a few weeks ago but......

No one reason for not coming on here- life I suppose. Busy with certain things.Had few health issues this year. Mainly resolved/ accepting what is. 

DH was 80 at the end of April. Had super celebration with sons and their families. This was followed by a not so good May ( back/ hip problems) Towards end of June we both got Covid. It lasted a long time! I guess we'd done well to avoid it until then! 

We've been trying to sort the house and garden out! Some big jobs that coat:-( nearly at the end! Thank goodness! 

I recently joined a newly formed WI. Have been to one meeting. It seems promising.

I am still crafting, though not doing as much. The ladies still come for classes but I don't do every month now. 

I did a Craft Fair, with my friend at local Scouts. ( Both our son's belonged there a long time ago ) 

I put out a lot of my craft stuff for the ladies to take. Asked for a donation which I sent to the hospice where my son's MIL was. I raised £200. ( It will be 12months on Friday since she died 😥) 

I did a class not long ago, call it All Day End of Term. Had 6 ladies attend, three couldn't make it but had it in kit form. 

I am busy tidying up the room now and sorting out some more surplus products to  sell on. 

Now nearly end of Sept! Again health issues causing problem s. 😞 Had an unexpected stay in hospital, only 3 nights but a shock. Still have to have a procedure to check all is OK. They said just routine. 

I started to feel a lot better, then twisted my knee ( it is not good anyway) set me back, but easier than it was.

I did a class last weekend, started Christmas cards 😊 no apologies! 

Hope that I can keep up blogging! 

Wednesday 20 December 2023


 It's been a while since I said hello. However just want to pop in and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas. 

I have cleared away most things from my workspace, a.k.a. dining table, in readiness for visitors. 

I have still been crafting- I think two classes since my last post. Also made items for two sales for charity. 

Below are the makes for charity, boxed up ready to go. I didn't photograph beforehand unfortunately. 

Here are ladies that came to craft on 2nd December -  All Day. Everyone contributed to lunch and it was a fun day.

Here are the makes 


I shall do my best to visit you all. Merry Christmas. 

 We are all still coming to terms with loss of Matthew's M.I.L. - Christmas will be tinged with sadness for us all. For many years Graham and I spent every other Christmas at Matthew and Carolynns, with Carolynn's parents. It will be an especially difficult time for Carolynn and her family. 

Wednesday 13 September 2023


 Hello all.

Thanks for the lovely kind comments last week. I think I managed to visit all who commented.

I've not felt well. Wondered if it was Covid - all the symptoms. Tested negative so far. Hope I am OK. It is our eldest granddaughters Sweet 16 celebration on Saturday. 

I have not done a lot of crafting. Twice DH came and found me asleep, head on table.

However started an Anniversary card for Matthew and Carolynn and money wallet for Ella ( 16 year old)  had to buy her card. 

 Start of card and money wallet- not quite finished.,

A little further along the table. 
SU stuff that I am going to sell. Just not got round to sorting it all out. :-( 

Thank you for looking. Take care all. 

Wednesday 6 September 2023


 Sorry I've not been here for a while and for this sad post. 

I think I wrote last time that things had changed. I had been going to write about the Retreat Weekend I was due to go on with a friend from Billericay. 

My friend was due to arrive here on 4th August, stop until 7th. We were going to Craft event on Sat and Sunday. Our D.I.L. was due to visit on the Sat to take our grandson to run in a half marathon nearby.

On 27th July, Carolynn's ( D.I.L.) birthday, her mum had a terrible stroke, Carolynn didn't know about it until early hours of Friday. After that it's a very long and sad story. 

I cancelled going to the Retreat and my friend's visit. Our son brought grandson down. It was his 16th birthday on 4th August, his mum had to go back up to her family in Scarborough after he opened his presents. So Matthew brought him here on the Saturday, and we spoiled him. 

He came third in the marathon, bless him. 

Sadly Carolynn's mum didn't make it. 😢 

I'm sure the above is a bit muddled, might not make sense :-( .

There's a lot more detail of course but won't say more. 

We are devastated. 

The funeral was very emotional but a lovely celebration of her life. 

 I have the stuff from the Retreat but haven't been able to do any yet.

Our youngest son and family were away ( remember the guinea pigs) we had to keep the news from them until their return. 

We had all been together for Harry's birthday on 24th June, just hard to believe that she's gone. 

I shall miss our get togethers and chatting about our shared grandsons. We were very close, she was a good friend.

Carolynn's father is of course struggling 😪  - sadly Carolynn's sister lives further away than Carolynn. They are doing their best though to look after him. We hope to see him again before too long. 

Anyway, not much on my table. It is back in its normal place but not fully extended yet.

All ready for action.

These bags contain everything from the Retreat, all  still waiting to be made. 

Hope to be back next week. Take care all.

Wednesday 2 August 2023

WOYWW and other things

 Not much to show on my desk,aka dining table ( only used when both sons and families are here).

At the moment we have taken out the extension pieces of table and turned it round. It was a bit like packing up my classroom from days gone by!

I am also having a big sort out so not a lot of crafting going on at this table, just stuff dumped there. 
Needed to make room for the guinea pigs. Yes they are at Grandma's! 
Youngest son and family away now, in Florida. 
Eldest returned safe and sound from Vietnam. 

Desk 😞

There are two guinea pigs, Buttons, shown. The other, Florence, is very shy. 

I held my 'End of Summer Term' craft event on 22nd July. 
We started with brunch, very light one! 
I then showed them how to make a flower that I'd made last year at the Craft Retreat. Then we made a home decor piece. It was a super class. Four of us popped to the Garden Centre afterwards for lunch. 
My next class will not be until September. 

One of the completed decor pieces.

The flower. This one not mine. didn't mean to add at all and can't delete it now.

A few extra cards I made using those dies.

Well there was going to be a bit more  news but things have changed. 😞
 Probably enough here anyway.
See you next time. 

Wednesday 19 July 2023


 Well hello again. I don't have any really good reason for being absent. I think it was just that I was going to be out on the Wednesday the week before last, and maybe last week was busy and left it all too late. 🙃 

I have enjoyed some lovely 'chats' with LLJ this week. You can see why on her post. 🤣 Many thanks Jan. It's not arrived yet! 

Nothing major to report this week. I am preparing for my class on Saturday- end of Summer Term Class 😀 . Starting with a very light brunch followed by crafting! We are going to be making a home decor piece. I will share next week 🤞

Last Wednesday the washing machine decided to be difficult. No one could come out until yesterday (Monday) needs a new hose that had to be ordered of course :-(, so not going to be back up  working, we hope, until next Monday. Thank goodness can pop to our youngest son's and do some washing. 

I recently bought some dies - called Paper Florist. I am having a lot of fun playing with them and they will be used on Saturday:-) 

I used up some paper to make some bags for each lady to hold all the bits and bobs for class. Also made up packs of chocolates for treats. 

Our eldest son and family are half way through their holiday in Vietnam. It all sounds so exciting. I love the adventure of it all. Matthew has a real sense of adventure. They chose Vietnam and the activities to accommodate all their interests. These last two days they have travelled on back of  motorbikes, today has been along the Ho Chi Minh trail and the jungle. Matthew is like me, I loved doing something a bit different, sadly I can't now but love hearing about all their experiences. 
So a little late posting. Had to take the aforementioned laundry to our son/d.i.l. 😀
To finish - ' latest from Vietnam' 
Back soon 🤞

Wednesday 28 June 2023


See below re photos above 😂

 Hello all. I tried to visit as many as I could last week. It was a full on week. I had a hair appointment, dentist and treated myself to having nails done. Then on Saturday it was up to Yorkshire to celebrate our eldest grandson's 18th birthday. It was fabulous, weather was so good. He'd gone out on Thursday with his mum, dad and brother for dinner. On Friday, the actual day he went out with his friends. Saturday was family. I loved having both sons, their wives and all my grandchildren together. His other grandparents were there as well. His mum's sister and family were away in France, but I think they will get together later. It was so good for our grandsons that all GCSE'S and A levels were finished.

 We gave him some money and I bought 18 different bars of chocolate, put them into a box and made a wallet for his money. He was happy! 😀

It was all such fun and hard to come home and settle back into the usual routine. 

Have been back at my 'desk' prepping a kit and getting ready for my next class.

Not very interesting at the moment as I had tidied up prior to starting next projects.

Not best photo, but you get general idea. 

Present and money wallet.

A flavour of the day - sorry re all the photos Julia

One with his friends on Friday.

I had always wanted to recreate the photo we were given our 40th Anniversary of all four grandchildren. Finally did it! 😀  - see above -as the same as last week original and recreation at the top and I can't change them. 

The day before Harry's birthday we remembered my mum. Went with my brother to place flowers on the grave. Three years now since she died. I know she would have loved to have joined in the celebrations. 

Sorry for such a lengthy post. Hopefully back next week. 

Its been a while.....

 Not posted on here in a long time.  This post was supposed to go up a few weeks ago but...... No one reason for not coming on here- life I ...