Wednesday, 10 August 2022


 Hi all. I know its been so long since my last visit. A combination of life, health etc, etc. I also struggle to get photos on to my blog from my phone. It used to be so easy, then I had a new phone , oh my its a pain. Dearest younger son claims to have sorted it now , but I'm still messing up. 

Anyway I do read the posts you all put up and I like to know how you are all doing, or am I just nosy lol.

I don't even have a pic of my desk. There is stuff dumped on it after my fab weekend elsewhere just crafting. In past, pre covid it was away in a hotel. After covid the hotel wanted to charge an extra £100  per person. So the organiser of the retreat decided to use venue she uses for classes. It worked perfectly. Some peeps stay at local hotels and then get together for dinner. I was able to go home and back again the following day. 

I can't share all projects yet as there is a second one this weekend for another group and everything is top secret.

Here is a photo from the weekend though.

We made some lovely projects and had such fun. 

Hopefully I will be back soon with my desk and some makes. 

Take care all. 


  1. Looks like you had fun Anne. Rather short sighted of the hotel to want to charge so much for the workshop. glad the organiser found a work around. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

  2. How lovely to have a couple of crafting days. Looking forward to seeing what you have made. Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

  3. Lovely to see you Anne, I really understand about life getting in the away but am sorry that health has to feature a a reason to miss blogging, I hope things are now on a constant good level! There’s nothing like a weekend of crafting to another person’s instructions and ideas to fire you up, it’s such a pleasure knowing that you aren’t the one who has to do all the prep, answer all the questions etc! So glad you had a great time, it’s deserved! Shall look forward to seeing the projects when you can show them!

  4. Great to see you this week! That sounds rather foolish of the hotel, what a way to lose business! Looks like you had fun though. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  5. Hi Anne that seems like a lot of extra the hotel are asking for. I can understand there may be extra work for them but it still seems quite high when there are so many of you paying it that could mount up to quite a lot of cash. Look forward to seeing some of the projects you made. Happy creative woyww, Angela x9x

  6. How lovely to see that you got away for a crafting break, there’s nothing like it and I’m pleased you had such a good time!! Hope you’re not feeling too bad though, take care lovely gal!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. That venue looks lovely - good that you could enjoy a workshop. xx Jo

  8. This is every bit as good as a desk. Crafting with others is always good! Hugs, Chrisx


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...