Wednesday 17 February 2021


 Just a brief visit this time. Wanted to remember Shaz. I have commented on Julia's and Jan's posts and on  posts from Doug so shall not do so again today. 

Deeply saddened that Shaz lost the battle, she fought long and hard. It was a pleasure to have met both Shaz and Doug. 

On my photo of my desk you can see a black tool caddy. Shaz had reviewed it and on basis of her review I bought one. Some of my crafting ladies did the same. Thanks Shaz. I will have a constant reminder of you every time I craft.

I am switching off Wi Fi, using mobile data and thus able to get onto Julia's blog again. 

Take care all. X 


  1. I think each one of us have memories of how that lovely lady touched our lives. She will be with us for ever. Let's hope we can get together later in the year and celebrate her life. xx Jo

  2. It’s lovely to see you today, isn’t it wonderful to read so many different memories and stories about Shaz, a truly fitting epitaph for a wonderful woman. I love the fact that she ‘enabled’ you caddy, I have shown my Tim Holt cutter because she did the same for me.
    Sending hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

  3. Shaz certainly was a grand enabler, what a useful caddy that must be. Dearly missed by so many RIP dear Shaz. Take care Tracey #3 x

  4. Hi Anne, missing sitting with you at a crop, hopefully. once the vaccines are all out we might see a light at the end of the tunnel and be able to visit again.
    Glad you enjoy your caddy, mine is white (won it at cha years ago) so cannot grumble but wish it was black - go on, tell me to paint it.
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  5. I’m sorry I’m so late visiting this week. I’ve been head down making Memory bears this morning.
    We will all miss Shaz but for certain she will live on in all our hearts.
    Hugs, Annie x #9

  6. Another busy work desk, waiting for the magic of creation to begin!
    Stay Safe, keep crafting! WOYWW!? 61
    (((Lyn)) #13

  7. Quite the busy desk! I think I have that same tool caddy that you have, I use it all the time! It's now my Bullet Journal caddy. we will all miss Shaz, even those of us who only knew her through her blog. Lindart #35

  8. I think most of us will be able find something in our craft rooms that was purchased because of Shaz's enabling! She will be very much missed.
    Diana xx #22

  9. Sad news indeed Anne. Glad you have something to remember SHaz by in your craft room. Stay safe. Sarah #6

  10. Glad you have found a way to join in! It is sad news indeed but what a legacy she leaves. Take care, stay safe. Helen #2

  11. Hi Anne. You certainly will remember Shaz each time you craft! Well done on buying what she recommended - and obviously finding it a success.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  12. It is nice to have small reminders of those we lose!
    Be well,
    Chana Malkah, #36

  13. It's a perfect reminder - black, useful and typically purchased after enabling visit! Much love on this difficult day, Lisa-Jane #7

  14. I started off okay today with the visits, walked dogs and went into the cabin and now I don't know where the time went to! Shaz will never have really left us because her blog will keep her alive for us and I can tell you it wont be the last time I pop over there for some ideas when I get stuck, God Bless her. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela,x18x

  15. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Life is so fragile. We almost lost our son last weekend. Thanks for your note of support. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  16. She was a great enabler. Though I have only been a desker for 8 months I have followed several of Shaz's tips...
    See you next week.
    Susan #5

  17. Well Anne, I think that’s the greatest tribute to Shaz isn’t it. To be reminded almost daily of her influence on our desks. So great to see you here.
    I have emailed BT about the lack of access to my blog, but don’t get far because I’m not a customer. Next time you speak or email customer services, please tell them that they have protocols in place that are preventing you from accessing (my blog) and they can quite easily tweak something. The brain tumour charity that I support and comment on quite a lot had the same problem with Sky broadband, it was changed in a jiffy, so BT just need to be pestered.

  18. It's so nice that you've got one of the fruits of Shaz's enabling, Anne - I think we all have something we will look at and always remember her. It is lovely that her blog will remain up so that we can continue to reap the benefits of all her hard work and her knowledge and experience, not to mention to be inspired by her incredible creativity. All her work was so beautiful. She will be sadly missed.

    Sorry to hear you've been having Internet woes. It's a real pain, isn't it... We don't realise how much we depend on our tech until it stops working.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  19. When I was having trouble posting on Julia’s blog, I discovered it worked using my daughter’s Internet provider (I am with BT). I can’t remember how I fixed the problem now, but Took a screenshot, so I will see if I can find it. Angela #21


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 It's been a while since I said hello. However just want to pop in and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas.  I have cleared away most th...