Saturday, 4 June 2016


Unfortunately since my last post I have been poorly. Some sort of virus apparently. The last time I ventured out was Tuesday before last!!! Have had the most dreadful cough, sneezing, headaches, nauseous, tummy upset and so on. I had to cancel everything. We should have been celebrating a friend's special birthday on the 29th May - I was confined to bed :-( I am starting to feel better than I was but the cough won't go!

The launch of the New Stampin'Up! Catalogue , on 1st June passed me by. I have just added a link to the new catalogue etc on my sidebar. There are some lovely new items in there. I had to cancel my last crafty get together - 28th May but am hoping to meet up with everyone on the 11th June. Have just started to play with my new pre order goodies.

If you are interested in Stampin Up please ask me about it. I was very dubious before I joined and it took me a long time to decide but I needn't have worried. :-)

Today I decided that I would venture out. Went to collect some flowers. It is ten years today since my dad died and I wanted to take flowers to the cemetery. I was pretty tired afterwards but I think it did me good to get out.

Sat in the garden this afternoon - sun came out - lovely. My brother and sister in law popped by. Did me good. He also brought me some dwarf beans, ordinary beans, cucumber, tomatoes and some begonias. I'd best get better as I need to get them all sorted soon.
Hopefully back soon.

Begonias and cucumber plant


Flowers for dad


  1. You and I are a pair.. being all sick and all. I'm finally a bit better but not all the way. I had to do 2 runs of antibiotics to get better. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Oh bless you - hope you are feeling bettr soon! x Jo

  3. Still cheering you on to feel well, Anne! I got home from camping yesterday afternoon just before it decided to rain. We really had a lovely time, my only complaint being that the happy days flew by. xx

  4. Feel better, Thanks for sharing the flowers! happy crafting donna #13


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...