Wednesday, 25 May 2016

WOYWW 364 The 7th Anniversary !!!!

(Firstly thank you for all the lovely comments last week - I was so pleased and surprised. I replied to all I could by Wednesday evening. We then went to my son's home , in Yorkshire until Sunday - I cannot access unpublished comments for some reason via my phone so couldn't reply - I am so sorry - I don't usually join in if I know I can't visit people who visit me - doesn't seem fair - but I'd expected to be able to :-( I will try to do better this week ) 

It's Wednesday again!!! Gosh that came round even more quickly than usual. 

So it's time for WOYWW - and this week it's a very special one!!! The Seventh Anniversary of this wonderful, weekly sharing of desks around the world. Want to know more, join in the fun then go to the lovely Julia's Blog  where you can learn more. For the next few weeks WOYWW is being hosted by the lovely LLJ ( Jan) - all is explained on Julia's Blog. 

Sadly I'm not able to join in with the ATC swap but look forward to seeing them all as they are shared, have fun everyone!!!

I managed to start paper crafting after a bit of a break as I have been busy ( see last week if you are interested! As I'm due to do some crafting with five ladies on Saturday I though I'd better get my act together!! It's somehow proved difficult, I didn't seem to have the ideas or energy. It would seem I may have a cold/cough so that might explain it. :-( 

My desk/dining table 

Above where I'd been working and below a shot along the table - various items - not connected to card making - need to be put away.

I also spread out to the sideboard - as usual - the card/3D item are for Saturday - still not finished though and there's another that I'm not happy with so still messing with it.

The photos above were taken with new camera and I have a card in now  - but I still don't think they are very special - I'm obviously doing something wrong :-( need to study the manual more.

I will visit everyone who visits me -I promise,  this week and all ending with same number - that caused me confusion last week. I started as number 24 on the list but hadn't checked later and I went to number 23 so that messed up my system as well!!!

To finish - as I said earlier we went up to Yorkshire to visit our eldest son and family.
Thursday evening we had dinner with Matthew and Carolynn ( boys had eaten earlier) and caught up with each others news.
 We also did a spot of babysitting :-) Our D.I.L. went for a Spa day on the Friday and stayed at her friend's on the Friday evening and our son went off to London on Friday afternoon to catch up with friends he knew from his Uni days.
Matthew treated us to lunch on Friday- it was good to chat and lunch was delicious and then DH took him to the station to get his train to Huddersfield and I think from there to Leeds and on to London.

 Our venue for lunch - the pub in the village - love going there.

Carolynn returned early on Saturday morning and took Sam to his cricket tournament - which his team won :-) We had a quick lunch on her return and then all set off to Wakefield to watch the Wizard of OZ - it was a musical production by an amateur society but it was excellent. Afterwards we went to a pub for tea.

Sam looking very smart in his cricket whites though they were not white on his return :-)

On Sunday Harry, eldest grandson went to football practise while DH. Caro, Sam and I just chilled out - DH and I played a game of table tennis with Sam.

Harry all ready to go off to football practise,

After lunch it was time to start back home. Had a good journey, no hold ups so only took a couple of hours. Sad to leave though look forward to catching up with younger son and family this week.


  1. Happy 7th WOYWW!! Thanks for being such a great supporter over the years Anne, it's always good to see what you're working on. You are good at so many things!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  2. I know that feeling when you get a new camera and it doesn't just magically work the way it magically should!! I've only just discovered how to alter the exposure on mine (I'm sure it explained all in the manual!). Thanks for sharing all your lovely things. Happy WOYWW7! Max #36

  3. Hi there, Anne,
    I so know what you Magna bout putting cards to one side to work out just what you want to do with it...
    They have a mind of their own sometimes, lovely to see family growing and being active.
    Happy WOYWW 7!!! And thanks for popping over!
    Shaz in Oz.x #8

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Hi Anne, Yes, you have been busy. Lovely photos of the grandies.
    You mention Matthew travelling back to Huddersfield. I didn't know much about that town, having never been there. But Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 had a broadcast directly from Huddersfield, so now I know lots about it, the beautiful station, and harold Wilson and more....

    I am determined to visit everyone. I have dedicated today to WOYWW. (a freezer meal for hubby I'm afraid!)

    Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary

  5. Fab desk, WIP and pix

    Happy 7th Anniversary WOYWW


  6. Oh don't your little ones look fab in their sports gear! Happy WOYWW 7th anniversary! x Jo

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful visit. I hope your cough/cold gets better soon and you can enjoy your crafting with your friends. I find myself spreading out to other surfaces - things just seem to multiply lol.
    Happy WOYWW anniversary
    Sharon k #45

  8. I'm glad it's not just me that spreads around the house with all my stuff.
    Looks like a lovely family time. I'm sure ive been in that pub it looks so familiar
    Lynn 15 X

  9. Hi Anne, Glad you have been able to get some crafting done.

    Glad you had such a nice time with your son and his family.

    I have a friend with three boys and they are all sporty. One is into gold, the other cricket and the other football.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy 7th WOYWW
    Sue #24

  10. Hi Anne, Pink card looks good. Life is tricky here too, only just managed a couple of ATCs for the anniversary and covered my WOW box for preschool tomorrow, this afternoon and had to cancel home group tonight as I didn't sleep last night and STILL not done my SWAP card for this month! Thanks for visiting me and Happy WOYWW 7th Anniversary BJ#20

  11. Hi Anne, lovely post, what a great weekend you had. Always nice to spend time with family. Have a great week, Happy Anniversary, Hugs, Shaz #8 xx

  12. What nice photos of your athletic grands. A neat pub, too. Sounds like a lovely lunch. Thank you for stopping by earlier! #57

  13. Hi Anne, looks like you've been busy. Wishing you a happy 7th woyww anniversary and a great crafty week, Angela x 30

  14. I love that pink you are using! Your sporty boys both look very smart! Chrisx 57

  15. have been busy. Great projects. Happy WOYWW. Elaine no. 33

  16. You must be feeling really good to be so busy! I'm glad you're having so much fun with your family and your crafting. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  17. What a wonderful, newsy post giving me a peek into your lovely, busy day... smile. Happy 7th WOYWW Anniversary! Scrapbook Lynne Mizera, WOYWW#58

  18. Hope you are able to rest and get well in the midst of your busyness, Anne! xx

  19. It feels like it's been forever since I visited you. In fact, I would have been by sooner, but not long after I was finally able to link up, my electricity went out for over 12 hours due to thunderstorms that knocked the power out. Now it seems my internet is having a meltdown, and I have to reboot after each person I visit and leave a comment to.

    Goodness. You have been busy. I felt like I had shared your week after I read this. Wonderful photos, though. Sometimes a new camera takes time to fully appreciate. Happy 7th Anniversary from # 5.

  20. Hi Anne, I'm sorry I haven’t managed to comment earlier, once again life got in the way! However, I have promised myself to get round all the desks this week to celebrate our 7 years of WOYWW friendship - so here I am. Enjoyed your post catching up with what you have been up to. Lovely photos - I'd say your camera is working just fine - and it was lovely to see the shots of your grandsons in their sports gear. Have a great weekend, Elizabeth x #66

  21. Sounds like you had a lovely visit. Such nice pictures of the boys.
    April #40


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...