Tuesday, 8 March 2016

WOYWW and Where to begin ???

There has been a lot going on during my absence :-)
I have not blogged for a while because had a lot happening, been away visiting family and have felt a little under the weather.
I also changed to Windows 10 and the last time I attempted to get photos from camera to laptop was an absolute nightmare - so I gave up and then had no time.

First to my desk and then if you want to catch up with rest of my activities I'll include them at the end :-)

At the moment I am preparing for a class on Saturday - an Easter theme photos are from my phone - still trying to sort camera and windows 10

 A bit blurry making a box envelope

 A sneak peek above

 Ribbons and a card

Spread to the sideboard :-)
If you would like to join in visiting desks around the world pop over to 
Julia's Blog The Stamping Ground

Thank you for all the lovely comments last time I joined in. I will visit all who visit me and those ending in same number as me.

I had a class on February 20th and I was grateful to Julie Kettlewell for sharing her project - I changed a couple of bits and added a bit but main idea from her.

 Four note cards

A box to put them in

A gift bag to put it all in

Made this card for our eldest son :-)

Absolutely unplanned really but we have had a new car - on way back from my mum's we were hit and wing mirror damaged. We went to get a new wing mirror and ended up getting a new car - as you do :-) we'd had the other for seven years and it was fine but reaching the point where it might need work so there was a good deal so we went for it. Very amusing when we got home - DH went back out to it, came in and said I don't know how to start it. The salesman had started it, showed us all controls etc and off we went. Although the same model it starts differently to last one - DH felt very silly having to ring them up :-)
ons eldest

Last Thursday we travelled up to Yorkshire for the final celebrations of eldest son's 40th birthday. Lovely meal on Thursday evening with family.
Friday morning children off to school and son, D.I.L. DH and I set off to  Holmfirth Vineyard and Restaurant for a tour and lunch. It was snowing as we went but we carried on regardless :-) We couldn't tour actual vineyard but had an interesting talk and look at how wine produced and of course some wine tasting. When we came out and into the restaurant - white out - it had snowed so much. We sat had a warming coffee and chose our lunch. as we were waiting one of staff asked what sort of car we had - then told us no way we were getting back down the lane. D.I.L.'s parents were unable to get up the lane to join us. So we settled down for lunch and a glass of wine. Carolynn's parents had to abandon their car and went to nearby pub.
Then staff managed to clear a track and D.I.L. got us safely down

We all managed to get back to our  son's home. The birthday boy chose hot dogs for tea and then later the adults trecked through the snow to the village pub, The Butchers Arms  for drinks with friends.

On Saturday morning our youngest son and family joined us. We had a super lunch and then went for a long walk ( we needed it )
That evening all twelve of us went to Grappolo's - an Italian Restaurant where we had a super evening - which included singing along to some older songs - our son seemed quite bemused :-)

 Above with our son - he wanted a selfie at the exact time he'd been born 40 years before - I am looking more relaxed than then but a darned sight older :-0
 The birthday boy when very young :-)
 Not the best photo of his cake - grandsons chose the shape etc - Matthew likes the particular ale

On Sunday all the mum's were truly spoiled with tea in bed, gorgeous gifts and a superb lunch.

We then all made our way home. A truly wonderful weekend and it marked the end of Matthew's celebrations - there were quite a few !!!!!

My Mothering Sunday presents - lovely photo of my grandsons. Love those boys ( and my granddaughters) to bits.

We have had sad news as well but I will keep that for the moment. Take care everyone - hope to be back soon.


  1. Lovely, beautiful cards. I so wish I had the talent to make cards. Your trip sounds fun and full of adventure. And a new car too! My car is 6 years old and Hubby wants to buy me a new one. I keep putting him off because mine runs just fine.
    Have a lovely week.

  2. Love the selfie. Sounds like a wonderful time. Glad you all made it back in that snow.

  3. Congrats to your son on his birthday! It sounds like you had quite the exciting snowy adventure!! I'm glad you all got home safely. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Wow, you have had a busy time! Love the selfie and all the pics of the celebrations :-) You were lucky getting back down the snowy track, that could have been interesting!
    You've got some beautiful things on your desk today but hose notelets and holder are my favourites :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xx

  5. My goodness, Anne. Snowed in at a vineyard and restaurant. What a "grand day out"! Glad you got back safely in the end...
    You have had quite a week one way and another, haven't you. Sorry to hear you have had sad happenings as well as the celebrations.
    Love the birthday cake, and the selfie!
    Take care, my friend.
    God bless.
    Margaret #1 - not sure how THAT happened!

  6. Haven't you been busy, and lots of fun included. I love that cake, it is rather good.
    Glad you are all back home safely and with anew car that actually goes!
    Bless you.
    Chris #35

  7. It sounds like you had an awesome time. Your cards look beautiful, I don't know for some reason I could never get into card making, who knows why lol

  8. Some great photos of what you've been up to recently & oh what fun you've had with everyone.
    Happy woyww Jill #10

  9. It really looks like you've been having a wonderful time....snow allowing :-)
    Hope you have a great week.
    Annie x # 30

  10. Got me laughing with going in the garage for a broken window and coming out with a new car :-) Happy WOYWW from Vicky#8

  11. Wow, what a lovely days you had with both action and relaxation, adventures and good times with loved ones, I liked reading the story! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #34

  12. Sounds like a fun time congrats on the new car
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #38

  13. Hi Anne, sounds like you had an amazing time, what with one thing then another! If you are having problems transferring pictures, I assume you are using a cable from the camera to the PC? If so, it would pay you to invest a fiver or so in a memory card reader from Amazon. You take your card out of the camera, put it in the reader then plug the reader into a USB port on your pc. Then when the box opens up you just cut the pictures, and paste them in whatever folder you use. Just search Amazon for Memory card Readers. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5xxx

  14. It sounds like you've been quite busy!

    The cards are beautiful.

    Sharon K #48

  15. Love your spotty desk! Fab notecards, box and bag too. Wow, was making me dizzy with all the thinks you've been up to!
    Sharon xx #50

  16. Gosh you have been celebrating! In spite of the snow! Sounds like you had a great time!
    I love that selfie! I hope you are getting to grips with your new system. I did not get Windows 10. Don´t know if I did good or not.
    Sorry I´m late. I had my new computer today and I have been fiddling about with that but now I have everything going. (I am typing this on my new keyboard, which is Spanish, so I am constantly looking for things that are in a different place). I still have to sort out the printer and some speakers, but the system works!
    Have a great week and thanks for visiting me earlier.

  17. Remind me not to go shopping with you as it might go like this: I needed a new dishwasher so I ended up buying a new house. That's funny but once those cars get old they do start to fall apart and it is best to be safe. It sounds like you have been super busy so it is nice that you managed to find the time to pop in and share all your doings and lovely cards with us. Thanks for the visit earlier! PJ #60

  18. Oh Anne a very fulsome post I admit, very impressed with your card set, sons card and cake etc. what a busy girl you've been. But as you didn't mentioned your darling mum, which I was looking for I pray your sad news doesn't include her. :(
    Had a chuckle over the car sagas!!
    Happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over!
    Shaz in Oz.x #7

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. Always love to see your creative makes, Anne, and especially enjoyed the selfie :) A new car is so exciting, ....even if it is a puzzle to start :) And your family celebrations sounded wonderful. Caring about your sad news as well as your happy news, and sending you hugs! xxxx

  20. Hi Anne, I know you have had a lot on and sad news as well, so sending heaps of hugs (((Anne))).

    Lovely notecards and the box to put them in really finishes it off. Lovely card for your son as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #39

  21. Anne, I hope you have full recovery on all your "sickies"! I love your cards, so beautiful and I am sure your son did as well as it looks like you had a great time all together! Congrats on the car!!! Blessings! Felicia #63

  22. Oh dear, sorry about the sad news that is to come.
    Sounds as if you had quite an adventure with the birthday boy and his celebrations. I can imagine your face when you saw "Whiteout". Glad it all ended so well.
    Thanks for all the photos you shared, happy memories to tuck away.
    Hugs and Thanks for visiting me (sorry I am late but I think I have the influenza)
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Lovely cards. I think the one with the sage green background is my favorite. Great contrast! What a fabulous adventure you had! Sounds as if you took the snow storm in stride and enjoyed the time together. Happy Belated Birthday blessings to your son. Creative Blessings! Kelly #61


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...