Wednesday, 16 March 2016


How sad I was to read Julia's news - I hope Julia that you get the surgery you need sooner than expected. Here's to a rapid recovery. Take care and we are all here for you.

Thank you for the lovely comments last week. I will expand a little on my 'sad news' at the end of the post. It is not my mum though- thanks for asking.

Thanks Shaz for the advice re camera - still not got round to it yet :-) but must.

So what have I been up to since last week. Well I had eight lovely ladies come to my class and we had lots of fun :-) They made two cards, one in a box envelope and an Easter basket - with chocolate in of course :-)

I am making a few Easter cards at present - have two ladies coming this afternoon to do Saturday's class as they couldn't make Saturday and then I'm going out to tea with them as they are good friends of mine.

So to my desk.

A card for a great nephew who will be eleven tomorrow!!!  

I will visit all who visit me and those ending in same number plus as many more as I can . Want to know more about WOYWW pop over to  Julias' s Blog

The sad news

A fortnight ago - on Wednesday we heard that my D.I.L's cousins husband had been killed in a head on collision. they had been married for two years ( though together a long time) and had a baby on Christmas Eve - we were with my son and family and Carolynn's parents on Christmas Eve when they were waiting for news of the baby - and Carolynn's Auntie rang to tell them all of his safe arrival. Feel so sorry for the family, especially his wife and the little boy who will never know his daddy.

Last week at 5.30am my great nephew was born by emergency c section. He had been starved of oxygen and was put onto a ventilator and had/has all sorts of problems. He is off the ventilator and is improving - he had MRI scan yesterday to try and ascertain more information. One consultant said he could have been starved of oxygen for hours - they don't know. It could also be two years before any/all damage is known. He is a beautiful looking little boy and does seem to be making some progress so we are praying that he will overcome known problems and the future will be good. Obviously this is just a short version of events etc - there are a lot of questions to be asked and answered yet .
The baby's daddy- my nephew should be Best Man at his brother's wedding - just a week away - so it has also cast a shadow over the wedding . "Every one was so excited for the arrival of the baby and the wedding - both should be such joyous occasions - my heart goes out to my brother and his family at this time. But we are all trying to be positive . I will keep you updated with baby's progress.

Take care everyone.


  1. HI Anne. Wow, what a lot going on. My condolences to everyone this tragedy has touched. Consider yourself hugged. On a brighter note, that basket is so cute! What a fun class that must have been. As to the 11 yr old... where does the time go? Is that the balloon set from the spring catty? I have it on my list to order this weekend.
    Hugs and Creative Blessings! Kelly #53

  2. I'm so very sorry to hear all your sad news Anne. I will be sending you lots of prayers your way and hope you have better news to share with us soon.
    Annie x #27

  3. Oh what sad sad news. Our thoughts and prayers go to you all. x Jo

  4. Oh Anne. That is so hard for everyone. I'm so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers - just lifting you before Father God's throne even as I type this. Two really difficult situations. I do trust the wedding will be the joyous occasion it should be - even with the pain folk are going through.
    You still have time and energy for your crafting, though. Lovely items there on your desk - and a great card for the 11 year old. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #16

  5. Keeping your great nephew in my prayers.
    On a different note very pretty Easter basket and card.
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #32

  6. Hi Anne, Love the bunny in the basket and your other cards.

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Such a young age and to leave a wife with a baby is tragic.

    As you know from UKPC, I have been sending positive healing thoughts to your great nephew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #13

    1. You have Sue and I am very grateful - thank you. x

  7. I'm so sorry to hear of the upsetting news...your poor family must be wondering what it's done wrong to deserve all this. I hope that folk enjoy the wedding, especially for the sake of the bride and groom.
    Your makes at the workshop were really lovely...I can see why you always get a good number wanting to attend!
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  8. Hi Anne, firstly let me say how sorry I am that you should have such sad news to cope with. And I will be keeping my fingers crossed that all eventually turns out well for your great nephew. On a brighter note, I do love your 11 year old card. Awesome. Have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #19 xxx

  9. Lots going on in your family - sorry for the bad news and I hope things will work out well for your great nephew.

    The cards look wonderful! I love the chicks on your desk. I think everyone is thinking of Spring and Easter right now!

    Sharon K #45

  10. That is sad, sad news. Do keep us posted.

    And spring does seem to be the running theme this week, everyone is ready for a little warm and green.

    #52 this week

  11. So sorry to hear the sad news. Condolences to those affected by the tragedy. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for your great nephew too.
    Love your Easter basket. Hope you enjoyed your tea with friends.
    Sharon xx #10

  12. Love the balloon card, great colour scheme. Sorry to hear the family news and I hope the baby is okay. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 22

  13. I am very sad to hear your unhappy news. I do hope the baby surprises you all and has no lasting problems. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Hi Anne, what a wonderful card for an eleven year old, brilliant design and execution. very cute basket.

    Sad indeed to hear of a dear hubby, daddy, son etc taken so gery young, I pray for them all to be comforted in this sudden loss.
    Pray too for your great nephew too, two of our laddie's had issues but fine now, so pray same for yours.
    Hugs and prayers, Shaz in Oz.x #5

  15. I´m so sorry to hear all that sad news in your family. Thank you for sharing it. I will add you to our prayer list.
    The card you made is gorgeous! I love the colour teal/turquoise.
    Thanks for your visit yesterday and sorry for the late reply,
    Belated happy WOYWW,

  16. Belated happy WOYWW your cards are so pretty and I love your Easter basket. Also I am so sorry to here about your family and my prayers go out. Best wishesHugs~Anne L #36

  17. Anne, I'm so terribly sorry to hear of the tragic events that your family is dealing with. I will pray for the young family and for your new grand-nephew's ability to thrive. That's a lot to happen at one time. I have been a bad bloggie friend, but you popped into my mind a few times the last few days, so I came to check on you. I'm glad I did, so now I can be helping with my prayers. Big hugs, Darnell

  18. Sorry to hear your sad news and thinking of you and your family.
    Belated WOYWW hugs and thanks for visiting my desk already

  19. Anne, I missed this post and am so sorry about the sad news for you and your family...praying for comfort and healing and encouragement for each of you xx


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...