Tuesday, 16 February 2016


Thank you for all the lovely comments last week - after I'd finally got my photos on and did  my post :-) - I am hoping that it will be easier this week!!!!!

What is WOYWW and why photos of my desk ? Well pop along to The Stamping Ground and find out more.

I have been getting ready for my February class on Saturday. Hope my ladies like the projects. So on my desk aka dining table are my preparations. This is how I left my desk last Wednesday evening as I went to visit my mum the next day, not returning until Monday. The only change is the little bag you can see- I put it there on my return - they are Easter bunnies - chocolate that mum sent back with me for my grandchildren.

Pretty papers, a box and a peek at the cards
a bag to pop everything in
a view from t'other end - lots of tidying up to do yet.

Photos much easier this week - not sure how though :-)

I will visit everyone who visits me and those ending with same number as me and as many others I can fit in.

So as I said last week I went to visit mum. She is doing quite well since her fall but last week put herself through having some dental implants. She was not too well really. Her face was bruised and swollen and of course her mouth very sore. She had antibiotics and I think these were making her feel more down. She is also having breathing problems and not coping generally. She won't move though or have help with cleaning. She is now 87 and while I think it's great she is still independent etc she does need more help and more company, but being at least a two and a half hour journey away on a good day it's very difficult.
Today I went to purchase things I need to make a cake for my eldest son. he will be 40 this year - how did that happen? :-) I went with friends and then we went for lunch.

Well folks I think that's it for now. Hope everyone is doing ok.


  1. It looks like you have preparations well underway for your class. My sympathies on trying to cope with having your mom so far away. We only have my husband's mother left, and she lives halfway across the country from us. We feel very blessed that his sister only lives a mile away and can check on her frequently. I hope she's doing well and able to take care of herself again as she wishes.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Your poor mum! I am really surprised that a dentist would agree to putting dental implants in a woman of her age. It's really a tough procedure! Poor thing. I hope you get back to swimming.. I'm going tomorrow. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Oh bless you. Coping with aging parents is never easy. I really hope your mum's mouth heals and eases very quickly for her as old age is more than enough to cope with.
    Here's hoping you have a good week.
    Annie x # 14

  4. You always work with such pretty papers Anne....I always enjoy seeing what you come up with! I know all abut darling with older parents who live at a distance, it's hard going. You take care of yourself too!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

  5. Sounds a busy time for you at the moment. Hope your um is soon feeling much better after her visit to the place I dread going to.
    Lovely photos, lovely class - am sure it will go really well and everyone, including you, will enjoy!
    Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  6. Lovely pretty papers. What are you making? Cards?
    Poor mother! It is not easy. Even though she is 87, she probably doesn't feel that old and downsizing, or going into care is a big thing. I know all about living away from elderly parents. My mum is in her nineties and living independently. It doesn't bear thinking about if/when she deteriorates.
    Yes, time flies. My son and my husband's twins will all be 40 this year too. Makes me feel old!
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy WOYWW and have a good week,

  7. Such gorgeous papers, I'm sure your ladies will love working with such pretty resources. Hope your mum soon recovers from her dental work - it must be hard with her being so far from you. Thanks so much for stopping by, hope you have a good week,
    Diana 21

  8. Hope your mum is feeling much better soon xx your desk looks really pretty . Have a good week xx Soojay 30

  9. Yum. Chocolate. It would be very tempting sitting there on the table lol.

    I hope your mum is feeling better. It's hard as they get older.

    Sharon K #42

  10. Hi Anne, I know what you mean about Mums! Mine is 84 this year, and lives alone in a 3 bed house. She has always said she won't move from it, and knowing her as I do, there was never any point trying to talk her into it. Last year, she had a fall whilst out shopping, and broke her wrist, and I think this has actually made her realise how vulnerable she is, and is finally talking of asking the council for a bungalow, which I'm supporting every step of the way. If she does it of her own accord, it will work fine, but she'd always have hated the place if we'd talked her into it! Mums, eh? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

  11. Prayers for your Mom. Mine suffered with the implants- hard on the elderly. Love the pretty papers!
    Robyn 11

  12. Lovely bag and cards!

    I wish you a nice week!
    Sussie, nr 50 WOYWW

  13. You sound so busy with your Mum - I remember what it was like living such a distance (well not quite as far, but bad enough) when little things go wrong, never mind anything major!! Thanks for visiting; have a good week Helen #1

  14. Hi Anne,

    I love the papers on your desk. The gift bag looks very cute. I still am in love with the tablecloth! Can't beat turquoise and white.

    Glad your mum is doing better. I can't imagine how rough having teeth implants are. A crown is bad enough. Maybe she'll allow having a cleaning lady every other week for a couple of hours?

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (57)

  15. I love these papers Anne - one of my first orders from the new Spring mini - though I haven't used much of them yet - I don't want to run out of them too soon!! Happy cake baking! Thanks for visiting earlier,

  16. Thanks for the visit earlier Anne, love the view of what you are up to. I like the papers. I LOL at your comment about your son, my Ma said the same thing when I turned 40 3 years ago! It is good that your Mum is independent, but I can see how it is stressful with her not accepting help...remember to accept help when you are 87, that's what I tell my Ma, because my Grandmother was the same as your mum, fiercely independent. Cx #47

  17. As I type, I hope you had/are having a great class...it looked like fun projects to me. I went through a season of being 8+ hours drive from my folks in their last years and can truly appreciate the challenges you are facing, Anne. My oldest son turns 47 in December. It was an adjustment when my kids hit their 30's, but as two of the four are in their 40's I find my jaw dropping every time I think of it :) Prayers and cheers for you and yours! xx

  18. Such a brave Mum to have implants - I hope all settles down soon and she feels more perky. You have such pretty stuff on your table there Anne. x jo

  19. Thanks so much for stopping by last week - and I'm sorry to only be catching up now. I seem to have had a busy week catching up from when I was ill. *sigh* I hope that 'mum' is doing well. What a thing to put yourself through at 87 :)

    Your desk looks lovely - very efficient! I hope the workshop went well!

    WOYWW 12

  20. Hi Anne chuckled at your comment about your son being 40, a blink and it happens it seems :D
    pray your darling mums mouth settles down, am surprised they did implants at that age.. but she must be in reasonable health to be at home at 87.
    Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #25

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  21. Some lovely projects. I really like the bags, so pretty. I hope your mum feels better soon.


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...