Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Well it's  that day again!!! :-) Want to know more then pop along to  the lovely Julia's blog and find out more.

I've had my usual busy time - all good though.
I've been  preparing for my next class, making a Christening present I was asked to do by my brother's D.I.L. for her nephew and making a couple of little Valentine gifts, one for DH of course and a little gift for mum.

Again photos not as good as I would like. I had tried editing and then couldn't save. In end went with just getting them on here.

So here is my desk, aka dining table this  evening.

So here is the mess I made ;-)

The one on the left is for DH.

The Christening present

Well I started to post this last night. I could not for life of me get photos onto blog. I 've been trying all things tonight. Got them on but don't know how. It has to be easier than this though.

Short and sweet this week , Julia will be pleased. It's taken me so long.
Off to visit one or two desks before it's next Wednesday.


  1. Oh dear! Technology! What a nightmare. But you did it! And those little boxes look lovely. Well done.
    Thank you for you lovely comment,
    Have a good week,

  2. Pretty pretty Valentines, and such a sweet christening gift!

    #49 this week
    with mixed media mess

  3. Hi Anne, I started okay this morning but got tied up with a difficult project so only just getting round to starting my visits. Love your gift set someone's going to love those. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 26

  4. Very nice Christening present. I really like the Valentine's Day gifts you've made. They're beautiful!

    Sharon K #44

  5. The gifts you have made are gorgeous, Anne, and are sure to go down well! Thank you for your visit and your nice comment - it's lovely to be back in the zone again and the ideas are coming thick and fast now. I had to rest for most of today, though. Still catching up from a really busy week last week.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #21

  6. You have wonderful work upon your desk, Anne! I have never tried box making and I admire what you have made very much, and the Christening remembrance, too. I am cheering you on through your techie troubles. My youngest son poked a couple of buttons and rescued me the other day. He's not sure what he did, but it is a great improvement from the tangle I was in and had spent hours trying to get out of :) xx

  7. Love both of the things you made.. you're amazing! I'm glad you are swimming! I went today, too. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. What lovely wrapped gifts. I really like the colors. The shadow box looks great - what a great gift.
    April #68

  9. I'm playing catch up today visiting my blogging friends. It was just too long a day yesterday to feel up to visiting before bedtime.
    I really love your makes on show today and hope you get your computer problems sorted soon.
    Annie x #10

  10. Hi Anne, Your Valentine presents look lovely. The Christmas present is fab.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #19

  11. What gorgeous little Valentines boxes - I love the flower stamp on the front of the bigger one. Thanks so much for the visit, I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #53

  12. Hi Anne, I was late too ... life just has a way of getting in the, well, the way! The Valentine Day's gift boxes are lovely and I do like the Christening present - something not too fussy to keep all his life. That's two of us pleasing Julia this week - my post is super brief too :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #64

  13. Great idea for those little gifts. Where do you get your frames from? They look so smart. x Jo

  14. Hi Anne,
    The Valentine treats look very cute! The standout has to be the christening present though. I'm sure the parents are going to love it.

    Happy belated WOYWW and thanks for visiting me already!
    Kay (50)

  15. How lovely. I really like the gift you made for your hubby. sorry I am late getting round this week. soojay 22 xx

  16. They're lovely little gift bags and the Christening gift is very special Barbxx #45

  17. Hi there Anne, wonderful gift ideas, very clever design and your pickies are just fine Downunder :) happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in a Oz.x 14


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...