Tuesday, 2 February 2016

WOYWW and so on

It's that time again!!!!!
Firstly thank you for the kind comments last week and good wishes re technology. I still haven't sorted out camera and saving photos in an easily accessible place. Honestly I used to have no trouble with old lap top and old camera - now it's a real trial. I know that it is probably very simple - I WILL MASTER IT!!! Not had time to consult 'The oracle' our son :-) as we have been away for a few days. I will tell you more of that later - so those that are here for desk only can do just that.

So to my desk, aka dining table - I'm afraid that this morning it looked exactly as it did last week. couldn't show you that. Last Wednesday I went swimming - I have signed up to use pool at local hotel so want to use as much as possible ( I need to for health reasons) and then I was getting ready to go away.

So I cleared away what was there and took a photo of current sugar craft project- photo was rubbish so can't show that.

Sooooo I am showing you a closer look at one of the projects from the class I did.

These are note sized cards and I made the envelopes as well.

They were all held in the this 'Berry Basket'

There is a sweet butterfly on the handle of the basket cut from this gorgeous glimmer paper from Stampin ' Up!  I love it.

So I hope to get back to paper crafting soon! Have been doing a little knitting as well- show you next week.

So if you would like to know more about WOYWW and join in then visit The Lovely Julia's Blog
and join in.
I will visit all who visit me, those ending with same number as me and some favourites.

So as promised where have I been? I've been to Yorkshire to visit our eldest son, his lovely wife and our gorgeous grandsons :-)

We have been spoiled and had a very relaxing time. On Sunday we went to Manchester Arena to see the Strictly Tour. It was our Christmas Present from them all. We had super seats and there was a great atmosphere - we thoroughly enjoyed it. Afterwards we went for dinner at Chiquito's lots of fun!! We returned home yesterday and this morning I went to sugar craft  and then swimming. I was shattered after swimming!

I will leave you with a shot of our son and grandsons puzzling over some computer writing gadget that the boys had for Christmas and son was setting up! :-)

Here is Grandpa's lap - he is putting together a  'catapult' another Christmas pressie the boys had.
So that's it for now. Back next time - who knows I might have cracked the new camera / new laptop combination :-)


  1. Busy and fun times...accept for the learning curve for your new equipment :) Cheers for your swimming and the pretty paper crafts you made and showed us. Wishing you happy days, Anne xx

  2. Love the pics of your family time and as for the techy stuff all I will say is dont let it win. :-) I'm sure you will master it. :-)
    Annie x # 15

  3. Seems to me that the grown up boys are getting a lot of fun from the pressies too! I love the berry basket, how nice a thing to make. How nice that you leave your table tidy...am a bit embarrassed by mine today!

  4. What a great present that was! Who was your Strictly favourite on the night? Love the notelets and envelopes you made, so pretty!
    Hugs, LLJ 17 xx

  5. Looks like loads of head scratching was going on up there in Yorkshire, Anne. Glad you had such a great family time.
    Not playing today (again) as I'm still trying to get my head round where does the day go when being a carer??!!
    Take care. God bless.

  6. The projects look really pretty and so does that sparkly paper! Have a great week. Soojay xx

  7. I'm not very good with the tech stuff. Beautiful cards Anne .
    Happy woyww Jill #16

  8. Looks like Granddad was enjoying himself!! Your basket and cards are beautiful, I presume you've made them as a gift, someone will be very pleased to receive them.
    Jan no 38

  9. Sounds like you had a great time with family! I love the cards and the berry basket - fantastic!

    Sharon K #45

  10. Hi Anne, what a busy week or two! Glad you had such a great time though. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #20 xx

  11. That basket with the cards is too adorable! I love Valentines. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #44

  12. Those cards look really sweet.
    A catapult? How fun!
    Happy Wednesday!

  13. Oh that elusive technology! I suffer too. I am in the process of buying a new computer (desk top this time) so I will have to learn new things again, just when I think I have mastered this one after 5 years....
    Sounds like you had a great trip. The Strictly Tour sounds fun.
    Well done you for going swimming! It's very good for you as you use many more muscles of the body in a sort of 'weightless' state in the water. Try going swimming first ting in the morning and then have breakfast after that. That will set you up for the day. Give it a try (if the hotel let you use the pool early).
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy WOYWWednesday,

  14. Hi Anne, sounds like you had a great weekend away. Good luck with the camera and laptop job, do let us know how you get on. Wishing you a great week and a happy woyww, Angela x 24

  15. Oh such beautiful crafty items there! I bet Yorshire was a bit chilly at this time of year - it's a great place isn't it. x Jo

  16. Looks like you had a lovely family trip away, very envious of your trip to see Strictly ! Thanks for visiting Ali x

  17. Awh you've had such a lovely time and all creations are such pretty colours Anne
    Have a great week
    Lynn x

  18. Hi Anne, sounds like you are super busy at the moment! I see you have been near my neck of the woods and had a lovely time by the sound of it. Love your pretty cards in their basket. hope you get time to catch your breath. Lottie #60

  19. I'm so proud of you to have started swimming! Gracie and I swam today and enjoyed chatting back and forth doing our laps. Do you have a friend that could be a swim partner? It does help to get you to the pool if you have someone meeting you. :-) I hope you get more comfortable with your new camera.. it's pretty easy to use. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  20. Sweet collection of note cards and congrats on making the envelopes. I always find them a hassle to make hugs Nikki 3

  21. that glitter paper is divine. Vicky#9

  22. Sounds like you had a busy but fun time... in which you managed to create such beautiful 'sugar cards' too... lovely! I also love the photo of your son/family... 'chill'... ;) Happy crafting & love from (still noisy) Holland, Marit #29

  23. Lovely family pics, Anne. It sounds as if you had a nice time. Sorry you've been having tech problems. We've got house problems at the moment with loads of relatively minor things going wrong all at once. The projects you have made are so pretty! Well done. Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. It's nice to be back in the zone again! As for your 40+ year old UFO, that should probably be in the Guinness Book of Records lol! C'mon, time to finish it! I'm going to make a real effort to finish mine haha!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #28

  24. Sounds like a nice trip away.
    Love the notelets, the envolopes in pretty paper make them real special.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already

  25. I really like the background you created on the note cards. Great idea creating the berry basket. The coloRs are perfect for it. Thank you for stopping by earlier.

  26. great looking desk and I love those cards and berry basket. Looks like you had a nice trip to visit the grandkids. I am a little late getting around but I made it! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week. Vickie #71

  27. Hi Anne, your notelets are lovely and I love the berry basket. Swimming is a great form of exercise - used to do a lot myself until I found I couldn't swim without glasses!!! The trip sounds fabulous - and I'll say it again, because I'm sure I said it before, suffering a little bit of Strictly envy after seeing your photos on FB. Hope you get the photo storage sorted out soon. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #39


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...