Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Here we are again. Not sure what I mean - click on the WOYWW on my sidebar and find out more - and join in!!!
Thank you to all my lovely visitors last week - I attempted to reply to everyone.

re the baubles card - it is a Stampin Up Stamp Set and Thinlits.

It's been busy as always here at Copper Beeches.

More of what I've been up to later. First my desk aka dining table. It's a tip again :-) I am now trying to complete all the bits and pieces for the upcoming Craft Fair - amongst other things - so here it is.

 Below a view along the table to where I have gathered some of my  makes for the Fair.

Since last Wednesday I have held my All Day Class - everyone seemed to enjoy and lunch and other refreshments were delicious as always.
The ladies did their chosen kits from Stampin Up in the morning. After lunch they made a trio of curvy keepsakes and a card.
The ladies loved their Goody Jars and were happy with their raffle prizes.

Completed goody jars

Hard at work


Coming to the end

I had two cards to make this week , one was a card for a wedding - I was asked to make this and to their specification. The second is for my sister for her 60th birthday on Sunday.

Since last week's visit I've treated myself to a facial and had a manicure. Also had my hair done.
Last Friday evening I went to a 'Pink Night' my friend cooked dinner for 16 and we all made a donation to breast cancer charity. There was also a raffle and I won a lovely handmade bauble.
The table at the pink night!

Saturday was the All Day Class as I said and on Sunday I visited my Auntie who had a fall. Fortunately she didn't break anything.
|Today I've been baking. Not happy with it though. It's a red velvet and I cooked it in two halves but it took ages and has cracked across the top - hope it will be ok as I don't have time to make another and need to decorate tomorrow.

DH has been poorly for a week. I made him go to GP yesterday - well I took him and as I'd suspected he has a Chest Infection. I am missing his help with everything at the moment, he has been unable to do anything. Hope that he soons starts to improve - not so he can help me :-) but for his sake - he says he has never felt so poorly.

Enough for now. look forward to visiting everyone and will visit as many as I can but definitely all who visit me and those ending with same number as me.


  1. You have been so industrious, Anne, no wonder your table is so busy :) I do hope your craft fair sales are satisfying and that your hubby makes a speedy recovery! Get enough rest and stay well, too, please! xx

  2. Looks like you all had a fabulous day! Less a class than an EVENT LOL! Sorry to hear about your DH - mine needs to be prodded to go to the GP as well. Hope he is on the mend soon - for your sake LOL!

    not late, for a change!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  3. Love the idea of the Pink Night.The table looks lovely. Love the crafty jars and other things you're making for the fair.I Love craft Fairs!

  4. What a lot of lovely makes this week Anne and that lunch looks so yummy that I'm sure it's well worth coming on the day workshops for ;-)
    Hope your hubby soon feels much better and your Aunt soon recovers from her fall.
    Annie x # 6

  5. I'm so glad that you took some time out for yourself're always doing so much for others. Your craft day looked fun as did the pink night :-)
    Be careful with your DH, make sure it doesn't turn into pleurisy.
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx

  6. Hi Anne, the table at the Pink night looks lovely, and I do like the 60th Birthday card. I can sympathise with your Hubby, I had a chest infection last year, and I have never felt so ill in all my life.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xxx

  7. I seems you have been very busy!

    Greetings, Sofie #17

  8. This has to be quick today as I have been ordered to go out for dinner Lol! But I have to say I love that card, gorgeous. Take care and happy crafty woyww, Angela x26

  9. It sure looks like everyone had a great time at your All Day class! I love your windows. The card you made for your sister is gorgeous!

    Suzanne #51

  10. Your desk is scrummy - lots to look at and see. I love those little jars - what a fantastic idea.
    Have a happy Wednesday
    Bubbles (Sheleen)

  11. Look at you.. partying and playing and having fun! I hope your husband gets better now that he's gone to the doctor. We've finally come back from 2 weeks of suffering from colds. Ugh. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. Such a busy desk this week! And the charity meal table looks brilliant! Looks like your class was fun! Thanks for visiting Ali #4

  13. Hope DH is well again soon (and can help you, no matter what you say, lol!) you sound like you've had a very busy week, it made me tired just to read about it all! Helen 1

  14. Your a busy girl may you sell everything on your table and I wish your DH a quick recovery. It's horrible how draining a chest infection is hugs Nikki 5

  15. Wow, you have been busy!! Like Helen I feel a bit exhausted by all that, and having to cope with a poorly DH as well. Looks like all your events were a success. Happy WOYWW Cindy #30xx

  16. Oh poor DH, I hope the Dr's remedy is starting to have an affect, its horrid feeling that ill. Especially when you're so busy, it must feel as if he's missing out! I love the cards you made for commissions, and the idea of a goody jar, how clever!

  17. Looked like such a fun time, I love getting together with friends and crafting and eating!! Love the polka dot table cloth!! Thanks for sharing!!Have a great week, Ginny # 12


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...