Wednesday, 11 November 2015


It's Wednesday again! Where did that week go? As you would expect I've been busy. Posted most of it in last post. On Saturday we had a unexpected visit to a bonfire/ fireworks. They were just down the road and organised by local Scout Group. My sons used to go there - both becoming Chief Scouts and only leaving when they went to Uni. They are extremely well organised and put on a fabulous display. Our granddaughter begged us to go - so we did :-) Sunday was quiet and I crafted and same yesterday. Today after the leak in boiler was fixed :-( off to do a bit of shopping.
I am ready for All Day Class on Sat and getting on well with craft fair stuff.
Have worked at desk in day but also sat in front of TV at night.

Actual desk this morning!
 Instead of goodie bags I did goodie jars!
Not a lot left as I am getting ready to set out for Saturday!

 Couple of cards made this week.

Late posting this week. Off now to visit others. Want to know what it's all about? Click on woyww button on side of my blog. X


  1. Hi Anne. What lovely makes you have on your desk today.....I think you must have more hours in your day than me :-)
    Annie x # 22

  2. You've been very busy and I like the goodie jars. Enjoy your event on Saturday
    Lynn 16

  3. You have certainly been busy this week, Anne. Trust all goes well with the stall etc. Lovely cards made there on your desk. I like the bauble one especially.
    Thanks for visiting - yes - hard for John, but he decided in the end that a breathless attack, which is totally unexpected, could put other drivers at risk. He wanted to finish his driving career on a positive note rather than with a crash.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #32

  4. What a busy bee you are.. I hope you have a successful craft sale and make oodles of fun money. I did craft fairs for YEARS.. I never made enough to cover what I spent on material.. lol. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Gosh you are a busy bee! Your 'goody jars' look very inviting.... Can I come too?
    I just looove that C card with the baubles. Stunning! Is it a die?
    Thank you for visiting,
    Have a great week,

  6. Wow those goodie jars look a great idea! Happy crafting :-) Max #18

  7. Love the goodie jars and the Christmas card is gorgeous. Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x 21

  8. Cheers for all your hard and pretty work, Anne! I have never made lid covers for jars, and I love the way yours turned out :) I hope you have good sales and get plenty of rest, too. xx

  9. Your goody jars are so cute - I would buy one! Your cards are very pretty. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Suzanne #46

  10. Anne, What a lot of crafting you have been doing.

    The goodie jars are lovely and both cards are fab.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #19

  11. You have been busy! I love the baubles card - are they a die? They are really stunning. The little goody jars are a fab idea and look cute - a nice change from boxes, which take so much more work to make! I hope it all goes well on Saturday for you, and thanks for your earlier visit,
    Diana #17

  12. Those teeny little boxes are so cute! The crafting ladies will enjoy doing something with them! And what a great idea doing those goody are generous!
    HUgs, LLJ 2 xx

  13. Hi Anne - another busy lady getting ready for classes and stalls - you're very organised. Love the cards especially the baubles. Thanks for visiting Cheers RobynO#29

  14. Sounds like you have had a fun and very productive week. Hope all goes well for the work shop and craft fayre.

  15. Have fun at your all day class. Love the Christmas card with the ornaments.
    April #51

  16. What beautiful cards you have created and those cute little boxes are already looking a treat. thanks for stopping by and saying hello.
    sandra de @20


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...