Friday, 6 November 2015

Smiles for Friday

I'm doing well this week. Two posts. Now I'm joining in with Annie 's Smiles on Friday. Her blog is a stitch in time - do pop over - click on button at side of my blog.
I've had lots to smile about as I got to spend lots of time with family last week. This week as been a bit quieter but have crafted, been to Sugar Craft and enjoyed company of friends there. On Wednesday I went out for lunch with a friend - have known her for 48 years. I also got to meet her new grandson - Sam - now 12 weeks old. A little brother for Tom. Lunch lasted all day. Lovely relaxed time.
This morning I am sorting through photos. DS and his wife are having a joint 40th party later this month. They are have a photo stream. Both mum's have been asked for photos. It's taken me ages as I am looking at lots and lots and reliving the occasions !
So I have much to smile about and look forward to.
Here a few photos that have made me smile these last two weeks.
Phoebe's cake - I smiled a lot after I'd finished it and she loved it!

Gorgeous grandsons

 Our eldest son, d.I.l. and Harry!

Son and his sons - Sam and Harry. Love this photo.
Hope you enjoy looking.


  1. By the sounds of it you've had an absolutely fab week!
    I'm in the process of compiling a photo book for my mum (Christmas present) so I know what you mean when you talk about reliving precious moments.
    Great photos, thank you for sharing.
    Happy Friday,

  2. You're right Anne you do have a lot to smile about this week. Me too....aren't we blessed? Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Anne,

    It sounds like you had the perfect week! The photos of your grans and sons are great. What a wonderful backdrop!!

    Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!!


  4. Happy Friday Anne...Just love the cake you did a fabulous job, I can see why Phoebe loved it. Wonderful to spend time with the family which leads into a new 'quiet' week, enjoy your weekend Robyn

  5. That is one PINK cake!! Well done. Reminds me of one my sister made me when i was about 10 - it was a lady in a crinoline dress in green and blue. we had multicoloured tongues for weeks!!
    Lovely family photos.

  6. I always love looking through my family photos. they can take me back through the years in an instant. The cake is pretty amazing too. I'm not surprised Phobe loved it. Kate xx

  7. What a wonderful post. Family always makes me smile too. Take care Zo xx

  8. Bit late but here anyway to wish you, happy Friday Smiles. Gorgeous photos like that would make anyone smile. Hugs, Angela x


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Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...