Wednesday, 4 November 2015


No time to blog last week! It has been hectic since my last post - more of that in a moment for those interested. First to my desk aka dining table. It was actually used as a dining table Sunday before last! :-) DH and I usually eat at table in the kitchen - but my eldest son and grandsons visited and our youngest and family also came over.
Hard to believe now we all sat here to eat!
I am making tags - they sold well last time.
You can also see some boxes that I bought from SU ages ago - I have stamped with snowflake stamp. They have a see through sleeve so am going to put something inside - a bottle probably!

I did get ready for my class on the 24th Oct and then repeated it on the following Thursday! It was hard work but everyone had fun!
I am now prepping for the All Day Class on 14th Nov plus a craft fair I so wish I'd
not agreed to! I remember the same sense of panic this time last year and vowed never again! Still said yes to everything!
Some cards for inspiration - I was inspired by pinterest
 Phoebe's birthday card

Phoebe's cake.

Will pop along and visit everyone who visits me ( where it's possible - some blogs I can't seem to comment on) also those ending with same number as me.

So since my last visit as I said had two classes. In between a big tidy up ready for visitors- it went like this :-)
23rd Oct - went to help with first of Phoebe's birthday celebrations! Party for six , six year olds plus an eight year old.
Halloween themed

A few photos from Phoebe's party

24th Oct class
and then out for dinner that evening.
25th - had GD's all day. Eldest son and GS's arrived that night. Cooked dinner for everyone.

We watched The Lion King after dinner.

Mon 26th - out with everyone for the day. We went to Cannon Hill Park - start with a game of Crazy Golf! Then lunch and boys played football. It was a glorious day.

Back to younger son's for dinner.
Tues 27th
All children and DH plus two parents took children to park- I prepared lunch!
After lunch eldest son and GS'S returned home to Yorkshire ( their mummy had to work as she is a nurse so DS was in charge ! )
Wed - I went shopping and baked Phoebe's cake.
Thursday Card class
Friday - decorated the cake. DS, D.I.L. called in as it was Phoebe's actual birthday ( cake not seen/ eaten as it was for family lunch on Sunday.
Sat- final touches to cake. Walked to my friend's with DS,D.I.L. and girls as she did a trick/ treat for them. Adults enjoyed a drink.
Sunday - out for lunch - final celebration for Phoebe's birthday- she had a birthday week!
Came home and I felt like collapsing but did some crafting!
Monday - chores and more crafting!
Tuesday - Sugar Craft class Came home and baked mum's Christmas cake . (she is improving all the time I'm pleased to report) .  I also made our Christmas cake sometime last week but I've quite forgotten which day - it's all a bit of a blur lol!!
Have had two awful nights of not sleeping so now feeling very, very tired.
Hopefully back soon.


  1. Your life sounds as busy as mine. I too am not sleeping well ...and doesn't it tell on how you feel? Hope your workshops go well and life settles down for you very soon.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 24

  2. I'm exhausted reading it all! Your cards are fab, I'm sure they'll sell well at the fair! Glad Phoebe had a great birthday!!
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xxx

  3. Oh my, Anne. What a couple of weeks - you need to write it all down in order to remember just what kept you so busy! It sounds like a great time was had by all, though. Well done. Some good looking things turning up on your desk there, ready for your craft stall - hope you manage to sell all you make - that will make the effort all the more worthwhile.
    Take care of yourself. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  4. Hi Anne! I actively try to avoid all crafting commitments. It takes the fun and spontaneity out of it for me and makes it feel like work. That's why I don't do seasonal stuff either, unless I really feel inspired and driven to do something. Lovely cards and tags and what a fantastic cake! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #31

  5. what a fabulous cake. butterfliecrafter#12

  6. Goodness you have been busy! I love the cards - the pink works really well with the black and white penguin and snowman - I am beginning to think that colour is more Christmassy than I realised - I love it! I hope you have a good week and get to put your feet up and catch your breath for a bit!
    Diana #26

  7. Good to hear that your mum is improving. Great card designs. Good luck with your next workshop and your craft fayre - you'll do amazingly I'm sure. Have a wonderful week.

  8. Wow you have been very busy!

    Greetings, Sofie #11

  9. Goodness sakes girl.. you're one busy bee! You've worn yourself out.. usually you sleep well when tired.. wonder why you didn't sleep good? I'm glad to hear of all the family fun. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Phew! I got breathless just reading about it all! Slow down girl! I do understand though. It's great being with children and grandchildren. Phoebe's cake looks great. Did sshe like it? Or is it for this Sunday? I like the things you did for the party. (Ghosts on the lamps and pumpkin faces on the grapefruit). I bet they had fun!
    I hope the all day workshop goes well.
    Have a good week,

  11. Dear Anne, It sounds as if your life has been very busy lately. The Halloween party decorations were so fun! I hope the craft show preparations go well for you. It is a bummer when you have said yes when you meant to say no. Happy WOYWW and thanks for your visit! ~ Laura # 57

  12. That looks like a FAB party ! Love your cards and tags. You are so busy. Thanks for the visit earlier xx Have a great week .Soojay

  13. Hi Anne, you sure have been a very busy lady - lots of classes and prep work and a birthday, and family glad you've had a lovely time. The Birthday card and cake are fabulous. Enjoy your week Cheers RobynO#28

  14. Hmmmmm my comment just disappeared :) I was typing, I really admire all you are accomplishing, Anne, and I am so pleased to know your mom is making good progress healing! We are busy celebrating birthdays and an anniversary around here and trying to get a leaky pipe under our concrete driveway repaired. Wishing you sweet dreams tonight and the rest you need to feel terrific! xx

  15. Hi Anne, By heck you have been busy. Loving the cake.

    Glad your mum is improving.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #17

  16. What a wonderful post, love seeing all the photos. You have been busy!! Take care Zo xx 32

  17. Oh what a fab card/cake and party - I bet Phoebe was thrilled. x Jo


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...