Wednesday, 21 October 2015

WOYWW and other tales

Oh my where is time going? I've not had time to join in with WOYWW or Annie's Friday Smiles for a couple of weeks. I knew there wouldn't be time to comment .
First to my desk. I have been preparing for another half day class on Saturday. Christmas themed. I am also repeating it the following Thursday. As always I am now doubting my makes :-(
I have also been preparing for an All Day class in November. A little easier this time as for the morning the ladies want to make up one of the kits from Stampin'Up! The afternoon make does not require quite as much preparation as before and my friend does the lunch.

 Can you see the strips of paper - they are to cover some rings to make a wreath for Christmas.
 A view down the table - I have some tidying up to do lol

I have spread onto every space. In the fruit bowl are the two different types of kit. There is also some lovely pom pom trim and ribbon.

As always will try to visit all who visit me - there are a couple of blogs I couldn't reply to last time - think I needed to join up to something. Also visit those ending in same number as me.
If you wonder what WOYWW is pop over to Julia's Blog and join in the fun.

Other tales

Mum is improving slowly and now able to walk using her stick. Doing more for herself as well. Still a way to go but definitely getting there. Thank you for all the good wishes.

Since my last visit I went to Yorkshire again to visit our eldest son and family. It was a beautiful weekend. We were out on the football field by nine o clock on the Saturday and Sunday morning as both grandson's had matches. It was very cold but sunny after the mist had burnt off. On Sunday morning there were bacon sandwiches and coffee - yummy. On the Saturday we all walked down to an Indian Restaurant called Pink Fusion and enjoyed some delicious dishes.

On our return I went out for lunch with friends. Visited a garden centre and lingered in the Japanese Garden section - only small but very relaxing.

Last Saturday I spent the day at The Belfry Hotel - there was a Demonstration Day for Patchwork Cutters - they are in fact used in cake decoration - not sewing :-)
It was a fab day with a super lunch , lots of laughter and a goody bag at the end -
Well that's a little look at what has been happening here at Copper Beeches - hope you have all been having lovely times. See you next time . 


  1. Hi Anne,

    Thanks so much for your visit today! I absolutely love Japanese Gardens - sounds like you had a lovely visit!

    I've been thinking about Christmas cards but as you see, I haven't quite gotten there yet. Soon I suppose.

    Have a lovely week! :-)

    Create With Joy

    Can never remember by number!

  2. ah so you are busy and I too spread all over the shop even though have a craft room! CAm not one of these OCD ones :D

    lovely wander around your house, with crafty things .. and so very glad also to hear mum is making some improvement, pray that is ongoing as well..
    ..and thanks for the images from Yorkshire too :D

    Thanks so much for popping over.
    Happy WOYWW 333! Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  3. It's often the way that life gets in the way of blogging but that's fine as long as you are well and happy Anne. It sounds like you've been having a fun time.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 10

  4. You've been busy Anne getting you next workshop ready & going to see family. So glad your mum is improving which must be a wait of your mind. Happy woyww Jill #15

  5. I'm so glad to hear your mum is improving. Is she driving yet?!
    Thanks for the photos of your weekend. The Japanese garden looks stunning.
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Have a good week,

  6. Ah, you've got a Lunch Lady Friend too!! That's how I got my name from doing the catering for Julia's workshops :-) I hope it all goes well, your crafts are beautiful!
    HUgs, LLJ 14 xxx

  7. Great post - I bet your day at the Belfry was fab! x Jo

  8. Hello Anne. What a busy lady you have been! Here, there, and everywhere. The Belfry, as in the golf course?? Very swish! Glad you had such a great day. Have been rather out of commission myself recently, so haven't caught up with your mum... Glad it sounds as though all is going well.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #42

  9. It's always a big job prepping for craft classes isn't it. Like you I am always anxious that my ladies are going to like what I have planned for them. Thankfully, they always do!!
    Love your Japanese garden photos. Aren't the Autumn colours beautiful. So glad you Mum is progressing well too.
    Hugs Lisax #19

  10. Anne, I love a busy work area.

    Glad you had such a nice time with your eldest son.

    Love the Japanese garden.

    Glad you enjoyed the Demonstration and a goody bag is always welcome.

    Glad your mum is improving.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #20

  11. You are busy and having some fun, too! Your classes sound interesting!

    Suzanne #53

  12. You've been very busy having a fulfilling life.. good for you! Loved the images of the Japanese garden.. nice big koi! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  13. Sounds like you have been super busy! The Japanese garden looks beautiful in it's Autumn colours! Thanks for visiting! Ali #7

  14. Looks like you've been a bit busy lol! Japanese garden looks nice and your table looks ready for action. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 24

  15. Well, the folks of Copper Beeches seem to have been having a busy time of it. Love the Japanese Garden pictures but then I am into things like that.
    A Bacon Sarnie sounds just up my alley - I could eat one right now (or any time to be honest).
    Good luck with the classes, funny, I used to teach a class on a Thursday and repeat it on the Saturday or vice versa - long time ago now though - happy times.
    Hugs, Neet 1 - thanks for visiting me earlier xx

  16. Hi Anne, great to hear your mum is improving and that you enjoyed a visit with family. You look totally organised and very busy getting ready for your hope all goes well, thanks for dropping in at my desk, Cheers RobynO#35

  17. You have been busy loving the photos from the gardens and I'm glad your mum is improving. Take care Zo xx 44

  18. Hi Anne,
    You have definitely been busy! I know what you mean about not posting if you don't have time to visits those that visit you. I'm usually a couple of days late but I do manage to get around! So glad your mum is improving and am able to do more on her own. It looks as if you had a wonderful time with your family. Lovely garden photos too.

    I noticed the owl on the giveaway bag....

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Thank you for visiting me already!
    Hugs, Kay (38)


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...