Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Where has the last week gone? It's flown by!
Thank you to all the lovely visitors last week to my blog.
 I was very tied up with making a cake for my son and daughter in law's joint 40th birthday party last Saturday. I had a lot of trouble getting bottom tier baked properly. Long, long story - any way five bakes later I had a cake! Then to decorate!
 On top of that DH has been poorly - we were due to travel to Yorkshire on the Thursday for the party. Sadly he couldn't go at all so I went with youngest son and family on Saturday morning and came home on Sunday.
It was a fabulous party but it felt very strange not having DH there and he was so upset to have to miss it. He is still not properly well.

On my desk, aka dining table I still have my Craft Fair makes! It's a week today - eeeek! I will just be glad when it's done!

Also spread to the floor - this being just a fraction of makes waiting for finishing touches!

There was a photo booth at the party with lots of props for fun photos - lots of fun! 

 Above son and D.I.L.
 My sons, D.I.L. and me!
 My eldest son with his brother's wife d.I.l. no. 2!

The Cake!!!!!
Will visit all who visit me and those ending with same number as me . Happy WOYWW! Want to join in ? Click on WOYWW button on side of my blog!


  1. Oh wow, Anne, that cake is amazing!! I adore the black/white theme and the whizzy things on the are so clever. I love the photos from the party too, especially the props :-) What a shame your DH couldn't make it, poor chap, he must have been miserable about that...but best for him to stay in the warm and get better.
    Hugs, LLJ 15 xx

  2. Good to hear you've been partying it but sorry to hear hubby wasn'r well enough to join you.....hope he's really well very soon.
    Gorgeous cake in the end so was well worth all the effort.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 9

  3. What a lovely cake! It turned out beautifully even though you have so many bakes to get it right. And love seeing you in a photo! Hope DH is feeling better by now so the two of you can get out together. Diane #24

  4. So sorry about DH, it's just hateful being ill and having to miss fun stuff...tell him I've stamped my foot on his behalf! I do hope he's starting to feel a little better. The cake is fabulous Anne, I can't imagine having five tries...I don't have it in me to go that far without a really really awful tantrum!!

  5. Hi Anne, well despite all the hassle, that cake turned out beautifully. great job. Smashing photos from the night too. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #1 xxx

  6. Beautiful cake! Looks professional! Great idea with the picture frame - lovely family shots! Hope your hubby is feeling better! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #29

    1. Hi Zsuzsa thankyou for your lovely comments and visiting me. DH is improving thank you. Anne x

  7. Hello Anne.. wow that party looked fantabulous and your cake is so classy and magnifique! *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to your family members. Sorry HB was ill.. hope he gets better quickly. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. Wow! What a fabulous cake! Sorry to hear that hubby had to miss the fun! Hope he gets better soon! Chrisx36

  9. I hope your husband is making steady progress in getting better, and I too am sorry he had to miss the celebration that looked like so much fun...and that cake, Anne. It is amazing!!! Still hoping you have good craft sales :) xx

  10. What a fabulous cake. Those photos are such fun. Hope your fair goes well. Take care Zo xx 33

  11. That looks like a fun party! The cake you made looks beautiful! Happy belated WOYWW!

    Greetings, Sofie #37


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...