Friday, 25 September 2015

A busy week !

It's been hectic - I ran out of time to join in on Wednesday with WOYWW. I have been busy preparing for a card class here at home. I also had several birthday cards to make plus some gift packaging. There was a cake for my granddaughter's eighth birthday - she ordered a Moshie Monster design :-) 
Yesterday ( Thursday) I was out all day relaxing. My lovely D.I.L. - Sarah organised a Spa Day , there was me, her mum and her sister in law as well. She collected me at 8.30 and we took the girls to school. Then we met with the others and had breakfast out - yummy. Afterwards off to the hotel and Spa. First of all it was tea/ coffee with lovely pastries. Then we changed and went into Jacuzzi, a swim in the pool followed by a sauna. After some time chatting and chilling we had our treatments - I had a facial - so relaxing and skin felt fab . This was followed by a spell in Spa Lounge, lunch, looking at magazines and putting the world to rights :-) 
We then finished with more poolside activities. A wonderful day with lovely company. Lots of smile about - so am going to link up with Friday's Smiles at Annie's blog - astitchintime 
After some difficult times it was a much welcomed diversion. 

Ella and her sister admiring the cake :-)
 Ella had chosen some of her small figures to put on the cake - well washed :-) but she wanted me to make one as well - so I made the big one on the front - called Jeepers I think :-)

Below a card for Sarah's mum - it was her birthday yesterday.

An anniversary card for eldest son and daughter in law.

Birthday card for Sarah - her birthday today!

The birthday cards inspired by some I saw but cannot remember where? 
Off to link up with Annie. 


  1. What a fabulous cake! I love the burst of stars on the top as an added finish. Your day out sounds fantastic and you deserve it! love oyur cards too.
    Jo x

  2. Lots of lovely smiles Anne. What a fab are so clever.
    Annie x

  3. Wow, what luxury your day sounded like! Good for you! Your cake is amazing, you really are talented. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. I love the cake and all your cards, and what a lovely way to relax after such a hectic week. You certainly had plenty to smile about. Kate x

  5. What a treat to have a spa day. Sounds like my sort of thing.
    The cake is spectacular! Clever you!
    The cards are beautiful. I like the ice cream one.
    Have a good week,

  6. Hi Anne, Oh how wonderful to have such a lovely relaxing day, pampered and with friends - I could do with one of those right now as we've been gardening all day. Nice for you after such a hectic few weeks, hope your mum is on the improve. Cheers and enjoy your weekend Robyn

  7. So glad that you had a lovely spa day, Anne! I admire how you made Ella's cake and the lovely cards. Thanks for posting :) xx

  8. Dear Anne, thanks so much for popping over to my blog... And I pray with in asking for wisdom with your darling mum. God our Heavenly Father hears our prayers.. Such a comfort to know this.
    I am amazed but that cake, what an extra special creation that is, your granddaughter just must have been so delighted. Beautiful cards too. Glad you were spoilt huge smiles all around, hugs,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...