Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday Smiles

Well if you read my previous post you will know that there were lots of smiles last weekend - when my  nephew got married!
I was certainly smiling and relieved when I got the wedding cake to the venue, set up and decorations complete!
Then it was off to church to meet up with family members not seen for a while as well as seeing my sons and their lovely families- lots of cuddles and kisses from grandchildren.
The weather also behaved - it didn't look as though it was going to at first :-)
It was a lovely service - complete with the couple's dog - Mischa! The bride of course looked beautiful.
The venue was wonderful - lots of space outside for the children to let off steam! Lovely views to enjoy while mingling with guests and enjoying a glass of Pimms or orange juice :-)
Afternoon tea followed- delicious sandwiches and yummy cakes helped down with Prosecco and/ or tea. Have to admit to having both.
Speeches were well executed and tales about the groom told by his bestman had us chuckling.
Later on there was dancing, a BBQ and more dancing and chatting and enjoyable chats.
Afterwards we stayed nearby and then had breakfast with both sons and families on Sunday morning - not often we all get to have breakfast together!
We then wound our way home. I rang my mum - still in hospital and told her about it all. We were all sad of course that she couldn't be there. On Monday of this week though my sister ( the groom's mum )  went to see her on her way for a much needed holiday. Sis and her husband were accompanied by her youngest son and his wife - who is from Chile - where they live - they came over for the wedding and were spending a few days on holiday with my sister. Mum had not seen them for a while so it was a lovely surprise for her - they took some wedding cake as well :-)!

Well I will try and add some photos now!

The Bride and Groom

The Venue

The Cake

My sister and brother in law with all their sons and their wives and grandchildren .

Sis and brother in law.

One of my grandson's - Sam :-) having fun :-)

'Afternoon Tea - that's my daughter's in law

Close up of the cup cakes I made.
Lots to smile about - hope you agree.
Going to link up with Annie's blog - Annie's Blog  - why don't you and join in the fun!


  1. What a lot of smiles you've got to share this week Anne. Fab photos of the happy day too. Thanks for sharing.
    Annie x

  2. Hi Anne I enjoyed reading your post and looking at all the lovely photos. What a handsome couple they are and the bride and bridesmaids dresses were beautiful. The cake and your beautiful cup cakes look too good to cut into but I'm sure everyone enjoyed eating them.

    It's sad that your Mum was in hospital and missed it all but I'm sure she enjoyed her visit. Thank you for leaving a comment for me and I hope you have another good week. Barbxx

  3. I am smiling at you, Anne! I enjoyed the photos and narrative about the lovely wedding, and especially the image of Sam :) Thanks for sharing the happy family celebration. Happy Weekend! xx

  4. gorgeous photos - that cake looks yummy. So glad that your mum got some too :) have a lovely week. Soojay xx

  5. What a perfectly wonderful wedding and a gorgeous family all! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. How nice of you to make the cakes.. what a super auntie you are! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Gorgeous pics. Any cake left?

  7. Hi Anne....ooooow how lovely- wedding are so special and always lots of all sounded fantastic. Your cake is wonderful - very talented you, well done. Enjoy your weekend cheers Robyn

  8. Lots to smile about indeedy Anne, praying you darling mum soon is bit stronger .. Thanks so much for popping over.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}


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Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...