Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Another week has sped by here at Copper Beeches. Last Wednesday we met our D.I.L. and grandsons at Tibshelf so that we could bring our grandsons here for a few days. They usually have a few days in the Summer Holidays with Grandma and Grandpa and then with their other grandparents. It generally ties in with helping with childcare on Thursday and Friday when my D.I.L. is at work. More though later as I expect that you really want to see what's on my desk. If you don't know what this all about then pop over to Julia's desk at stamping-ground.blogspot and show us your desk.
As you might know if you have visited in last two/three weeks I've not done a lot on my desk. Also seemed to have lost my enthusiasm. Also remember I said I need to tidy up. Well did tidy up a bit. You can't really tell though as there is a lot of stuff from kitchen in dining room aka craft room as we are having a new boiler and also decorating the kitchen!! As there was little I could do today - with men flushing the system, drilling and putting in new boiler I made two cards and worked on two gifts a well.

Below is the muddle I worked in last week to make my D.I.L' card. Those are kitchen curtains over back of the chair.

But - I managed to clear most of the above before creating another mess making the cards below. The angry birds is for my GS Sam. I saw something similar here rosdavidson.typepad.com angry birds card   and the link takes you to another blog that has a tutorial.

Below is a birthday card. Just noticed though that I've not put the centre flower on in middle - that's going to bug me :-(

This one is for my Aunt for her birthday on the 11th August.

Below is the butterfly that I have had on my desk for a few weeks and have done a little more to it. Also two more gifts - there is a little envelope that holds a card with a verse and there is also the cross made with ribbon and I have threaded beads onto the ribbon. Jo of jozartdesigns.blogspot.com sent me one of these and I am passing on some of my own. jozartdesigns.blogspot.com the cross in my pocket

Well I was going to tell you briefly of our lovely time with our GS's but think it must wait for another post as I am so tired. We have to be up again at 6.30 to be ready for  men doing the boiler and I have got to boil water so that I can have a bath ( no hot water at moment) I have to have an ultra sound tomorrow (unexpectedly) so nothing to eat or drink after 6.30 and appointment in't till 12.30!  Also have to drink a pint and a half of water one and a half hours before I go. Oh what a happy morning I'm going to have. Bye for now. Will visit as many as I can tomorrow. x


  1. Oh goodness.. sorry about the ultrasound and fasting and all the busyness.. I can so relate. Take care of yourself.. gorgeous cards!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. I love to see a full work spcae full of interesting projects to be!!
    I know quite well that test you're having, , when they starting pushing the tool on my tummy I felt like I was going to wee myself, I hated that! Lucky its not a long test! I will keep you in my thoughts , take care!!

  3. How can you say you have not done much card crafting, Anne??? I love what you have done, each a special gift for the recipient! In stark contrast is yours truly who really has not done ANY card crafting or sending in far too long!
    So sorry you have to go in for another test :(
    I'm praying for blessings for you and yours.
    Gracie xx

  4. Good luck with the scan...hope the results are good. Have fun with the grandies.
    A x # 3

  5. Hi Anne, I hope all the plumbing is done soon and you can get back to normal, and into your craft room again soon. However, it doesn't seem to have stopped you making cards - they are all lovely. I especially like the angry birds - very clever use of shapes. Hope the ultrasound goes well, although I suspect you will float into the appointment after drinking that much water :) Elizabeth x #16

  6. What a busy time you've been having making those cards. If that's what you're like when you lack enthusiasm - wow! It's horrible having to boil water for baths - how we take running hot water for granted, don't we? Have a great day and good luck with the ultra sound. Julie Ann x

  7. Good luck with the test....hope all goes well.....
    I adore that Angry Birds card..I bet the recipient loved that!!! My boys would have and they're 20 and 17!! The flower cards are fab too, especially the red and white one -gorgeous!!
    Hugs, LLJ 20 xx

  8. Those cards are lovely - I really like the pale green one - very elegant. Hope your ultrasound goes well.
    Bernice #39

  9. I love your cards, my daughter would love the angry birds one. Bummer having no hot water. I hope your ultrasound shows all is okay. Good luck holding all that liquid in!!
    Have a great week.
    Von #34, thanks for your lovely comment.

  10. Great fun cards. An ultrasound an hour and a half after drinking so much is no joke - I know, I've been there. Hope it goes well, and that you soon have running hot water again. We've just had a new boiler too. Margaret (glitterandglue) and I moved out to Mrs D's house whilst the workmen got on with it. Hope you have a good week, kind regards, john-w #23.

  11. I love your cards they are all very special...good luck with your ultra sound...keep cool ZEFFY 40

  12. What absolutely beautiful cards, Anne. You have inspired me... I should do far more with my Cuttlebug and build up layers like that, and add paper flowers... Sooo pretty!

    Hope your ultrasound goes OK. It's not pleasant wanting to go to the loo and they press this thing right over your bladder lol! Also hope the boiler gets sorted. We've just had the new boiler fitted in our new house and last week when it was soooo hot, the builder said "You can put the central heating on now!" ROFL!!

    Thanks for your lovely comment. Not long to go now before our move, which we think will most probably be Tues. 27th if the removal firm isn't booked up.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #66

  13. G'day Anne
    thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a message for WOYWW. Oh wow I love the cards and the angry birds one is very clever LOL. You know I wouldn't have know the flower wasn't centred if you hadn't of said anything!
    Annette In Oz #4

  14. great cards, must say I do like the Angry Birds one, could so with one of those for the husband and he is a lot more than 6.
    Hope all is well with your ultra sound.

    Lynda #59

  15. Those cards are beautiful. I do trust your scan goes well later. May God bless you with His peace as you wait for the results. Enjoy the grand children.
    Take care.
    Margaret #9

  16. Don't you just hate the upheaval work/decorating creates in the house?! I hope they will soon be finished.
    The cards are brilliant - I can't see a flower off centre! The Angry Birds one is fab!
    Good luck at your appointment!


  17. wonderful cards, and all so different!!!
    thanks for sharing :)
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 8

  18. Beautiful cards Anne. Hope all Ok with your ultra sound. x Jo #11

  19. lovely cards emerged from the muddle! give the one away that bugs you quick!
    Thanks for visiting-snoop around and you will find some weaving.
    I've enjoyed the visit.
    robyn 94

  20. Hi Anne, just returning the visit and thank you for your kind comment :) I love all of the cards you've made and the angry bird one has to be my favourite. It made me say wow outloud and that made my mum have a look to see what I was wow'ing about lol! I hope you get your enthusiasm back soon but from what I've seen you seem to be doing really well without it ;)

  21. busy, busy, busy! Love those beautiful cards and cakes. Have a creative week! Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment. Vickie #80

  22. Your angry bird card is just adorable and your others are all beautiful. Looks like you have had a busy week. Happy WOYWW! Danie #25

  23. Ooh Anne, good luck for tomorrow, the scan is fine huh, it's the hunger and the liquid that aint so much fun! I work in a muddle all the time so am well familiar with your scene...I bet though that you'll be ready to tackle it after a lovely long hot bath when they've finished.

  24. Happy WOYWW! That is the sort of muddle I always work in!

    Lovely cards including the clever angry birds one.

    Cazzy x #92

  25. Oh Anne, Lovely cards! I'm impressed that you could cope with crafting with the upheaval! Hope your scan goes ok! Chris46

  26. Love that angry bird card, it is brill. Hope the ultrasound goes through quickly, nothing worse than sitting with a full bladder! :(
    Annette #1 for the first time in 4 years!

  27. Happy WOYWW! Thanks for a sharing a peek into your studio space, I love seeing what everyone is up to! ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33 (#132 whoa…I was late to the party today!)

  28. OH I love those cards you have created and you really need to find that Mojo, sometimes when mine goes missing I find it in magazines or in the pile of crap that I have on my desk that needs sorting. Hopefully yours wont be to hard to locate. Thanks for visiting, unfortunately the wrong link went up this week and everyone is visiting me from 2 weeks ago LOL Thanks for popping by so nice to have you drop in too.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda who is really 52
    Sorry I am getting back to you so late.

  29. Your work space is very busy....don't you love it. I like how you said you cleaned up one mess before making another...I'm glad I'm not the only one who manages to make mess after mess. But don't you just love what comes from all the mess. I sure do. Happy crafting this week and always.

  30. Oh my goodness-with all that is going on you still manage to create several beautiful cards!!! I keep thinking if I continue visiting all the awesome stampers/cardmakers every week you guys are going to convert me over from my painting. You are just so talented and keeping it all together with no hot water and an ultra-sound. Hope the test comes out fine. Happy belated WOYWW! Rasz #142

  31. By the time you read this, your test will be over. I hope they found resolution, Anne, and that you're feeling better. Your post was super fun. You have been extremely productive this time! No lack of mojo, that's for sure, especially considering the working conditions with the boiler business going on! I'm impressed! Your cards are really, really pretty!! Happy Belated WOYWW! Thank you for the visit to my place!! Take care!! Darnell #118

  32. Happy Belated WOYWW!

    Love your SU cards xxx

  33. Hi, Anne, all your cards are beautiful! I especially love the embossed birthday card. Your work space looked busy and fun. Thank you for sharing. :)


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...