Friday, 2 August 2013

This N That

Last week on Wednesday DH and I met our D.I.L. to collect our grandsons for a few days. Had a lovely picnic together first.
We took Harry and Sam (GS's ) to the cinema on Thursday to see Monster Uni- we all enjoyed it including our granddaughters and their mummy. Afterwards we went to our younger son's house (he has the girls) and had a party tea for Sam. Had a pirate themed party. Sarah (D.I.L.) also organised a scavenger hunt and masks to make. Had a wonderful time.
On Friday DH took the boys to a local park where they were able to play cricket, football and go on some climbing equipment etc. They also had a picnic. later that evening we took them to Frankie and Benny's for tea. Not sure I would go again but they enjoyed it.
Saturday was a trip to another park, another picnic and paddling in the stream. Forgot to take fishing nets but in a way I was glad as all the kids were catching little fish and putting them in water bottles- poor fish. Afterwards we popped to see my Auntie who lives nearby so that she could see the boys.

Sam - thinking :-)

Not sure what Harry was doing - :-)

Grandpa overseeing proceedings

In the stream looking for treasures.

A bit of skills practice. Sam is actually a very good footballer.

Saying hello to Auntie and reluctantly being hugged for the photo :-)

During those few days DH also started to teach Harry the basics of chess and we also made and painted dinosaur fridge magnets.
All too soon it was time to meet their mummy and daddy. We met at Denby Visitor Centre
                                                                                          photo from internet
 where we had lunch and had a short tour of part of the factory ( most of it closed for two weeks for holiday) We all made a little pottery frog and then decorated some pottery. A great time. Then it was time to say goodbye. It's strange when you get home- you are tired but the house is so quiet and feels very empty- especially at night knowing they are not tucked up in our spare rooms. :-) 
Looking forward to seeing them again at the end of August when they come here on their return from their holiday in France.

Yesterday I had a yummy parcel in the post. I'd seen this business on Facebook  
 I really like their products. This their ethos 
why have to purchase large quantities, when you only need a little. We believe you should be able to choose just the right amount for your project, which is why we offer our pretty fabric and trims in a variety of sizes and amounts.
I was looking for felt to start making something from the book I won (see earlier post) and they do a sample card of all the colours. So I sent for that plus a felt bundle - (Candy Felt) and some gorgeous lace. Their service is brilliant. 

Aren't they gorgeous. Their fabrics are lovely as well. I shall definitely be ordering more. 

Well that's it for now! Have a great weekend. Back soon.  


  1. What cute GSs you have! You were wonderful grandparents to take them to do so many fun things! Thanks for sharing the great photos. Fun parcel full of goodies you got! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. My, you have had a busy time...I wonder who had the best and DH or the children! I expect it was a close run thing!! I often use my grandkids to go to kids places where an adult would look daft on their own....I don't mean that they are places the kids would hate! Some places are even better from seeing them through a child's eyes! I bet you did feel strange without them there and am glad that you had your parcel to cheer you up. Enjoy!! Joan

  3. Sounds as if you had a wonderful time with your grandsons. Enjoy your peace and quiet now.

  4. What a fun time you have had with your family Anne. The pictures are wonderful. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. I might try that company for felt. I have a pattern which is very old (going back to my childhood) for a Bambi, which is a great toy for a child as it has four legs, a tail and two ears that can be grabbed. It looks as though you had a wonderful day out with the family. Much better than dealing with plumbing chaos. I hope that is close to finishing now. I have another week before my builders come back for round 2, which is a load of small jobs that need finishing. It has been so quiet this week without them. Hope your scan went well. Have a good week. xx Maggie #48

  6. Thanks for including us in your fun, Anne! I enjoyed the account :) And your order...oh the creative possibilities right at your very fingertips!!!
    Joy to you and yours!
    Gracie xx

  7. what a wonderful visit your grands had, aren't they handsome boys! You certainly gave them a wonderful time, there is so much to do where you are, thats amazing!! The pottery tour would be something I would love very much, for some reason this post did not show up for me , not sure hwy, I will check it out, take care my friend,

  8. Hi Anne, what a lovely post and thank you so much for sharing your parcel full of loveliness you got from us and you very kind compliments on our service, we do try very hard!! Mum (Penny) and I are thrilled that you are happy and look forward to seein what you create. Have a lovely week! Sarah xo

  9. Awesome post Anne! Love the the picture of the boys and hearing how the holiday with you went. The stuff memories are made of! My granddaughters live 1500 miles away so we don't get to see them often but have given thanks many times for the invention of Skype and the ability to talk and visit with them electronically. My 4 year old granddaughter tells me I am her purple haired Grandma BFF...that means your my best friend forever Grandma!!! Her mother tried to get her to call me Moma D but Teresa told her now way my name is Grandma! Thanks for stopping by my desk and leaving such a nice comment. Vickie #36


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...