Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Well here we are again another WOYWW . What's it all about? Pop over to Julia's blog The Stamping Ground and join in.

I've had another hectic week. Last Thursday we set off to Holmfirth to visit my son and family for my GS Sam's birthday celebrations. DS took us out to lunch which was very yummy. I decorated a cake for a baby shower for my D.I.L. to give. Helped with Sam's cake. We also visited my GS's school to see an exhibition of their work. I will post some photos at the end as I know many of you have only limited time and anyway are quite rightly here to see  my desk.
I've managed a little more crochet and today managed to make a card for my D.I.L.'s birthday. I almost didn't as time has been so short again. I also seem to have lost a bit of my enthusiasm. Need to find it soon as I have agreed to display some cards etc at an Open Evening at The Community Centre in September and have also been asked to do some classes.
Mum now suffering with a nasty chest infection. ;-(

Anyway to my desk

All fairly self explanatory. The card I was making is on my laptop - covered up as D.I.L. sometimes has a peep on here :-)
Next week I need to have a mammoth tidy up in this room and then maybe I might feel like being creative!!!

The cake I decorated for the baby shower - which was to celebrate an adoption in fact.

 Sam's cake!!! D.I.L. did nearly all off big bird and made the green model. I made the other two models.

Well that's my crafting efforts since last week. I look forward to visiting your desks. x

Below are just some of the photos from the boys school.

 A giant postcard!!

I made an animated film using the castle and dragons- with the help of some year 6 children :-)

Ooopppssss a bit out of sync - Sam ( in blue stripes) and Harry just before Sam's Football Party.
 The school had all contributed to a project about King Arthur. One of the things they did was to make banners for the hall.

 Below Sam adding some final touches to his castle!

The school

Harry's story.It was very good. He loves writing.

Thanks for looking. Back soon. x


  1. Great photos - love the cakes!! Helen, 7

  2. Your cakes are beautiful. Love the pics of your boys and their school. Happy crafting #12

  3. Great cakes - they look lovely!
    Bernice #23

  4. Your cake decorating skills are truly amazing. As an educator, I love the projects in your children's school too. Happy WOYWW and blessings!

  5. What a lovely post and so much going on. Great things on show, love the cakes, well done
    Famfa #30

  6. Love the angry birds cake! Look fabulous!! teat pictures...
    Have a great craft week! Thank you for my snoop,
    Happy WOYWW!?
    ((Lyn)) #36

  7. Hi Anne
    it sounds like you have been very busy but all for very good causes. Your cakes are amazing I bet it was hard to let anyone cut in to them.
    Love all the school work it is lovely when it is all on display for parents and grandparents to go and see it
    Sending hugs for WOYWW and hope you enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #45

  8. Anne, I feel a bit breathless after viewing the whirl of activities in this post :) I love seeing your/family creative efforts and the cakes are so fantastic how can you bear to eat them? I leafed through the Stampin Up Catalogue and am agog at all they offer since the last time I looked years ago! I'm continuing prayers for your mum's healing.
    Gracie xx

  9. Lovely post Anne, great goings on at the school, the banners look wonderful. Happy belated birthday to Sam, love the cakes. I find a good tidy up clears the mind, I don't craft very well when my desk is a mess!

    Brenda 28

  10. Wow very talented, those cakes look gorgeous
    Bridget #24

  11. What a week and that castle wow but the cakes are amazing any child would be so pleased to have one of them. Welcome to the new child in the family SAM and what a drawing from the little fella, so creative.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 55

  12. Lots of fun family time for you! Your boys are so cute and your cake is amazing! You're quite the artist. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  13. great post today Anne! Love all the pictures. You have been busy going from one crafty thing to another and finding time to visit the school too. Love the banners. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #71

  14. The cakes are awesome! As for the mammoth tidy up - round here Anne, that's always going to be next week!

  15. Fab snaps of the school crafty projects and those cakes are really amazing.
    Have a great week.
    A x # 8

  16. It certainly looks like you have had a creative and fun week. Both cakes are fabulous and I bet they were a big hit at both celebrations. So nice to see what your grandson is up to at school also. Happy WOYWW! Danie #74

  17. Yes, your cakes are fabulous!Cake decorating is great fun isn't it!!
    Judy #26

  18. Wow, what a busy bee you are. Those cakes are fantastic - how clever.

    Lynda #1

  19. Lovely post Anne - takes me back to my teaching days - I always loved linking up our topics with lots of craft activities - it certainly fired up the children's enthusiasm for learning! Super photos and your cakes a perfect. x Jo

  20. What a lovely post, Anne. How great that you daughter in law, and grandson, are taking after you with their creativity!! Brilliant - and to be greatly encouraged - after all, we can't be the only ones who have to live in a muddle 'cos of crafting, now can we???
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #32

  21. FABBO cakes and thank you for sharing the photos of school activities.

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE x #13

  22. Your cakes are AMAZING. Hope you manage to tidy to get some crafting done too. BJ#73

  23. Those cakes are fantastic Anne! I know my nephew would love the angry birds one (and I would love the other one! lol!)
    Good luck with getting your card done and any others that you need to do, I know how hard it is to get motivated when things are out of sorts, I hope your mum recovers from her infection quickly.
    Great pics from the school too, they seem to have a great time getting crafty there!


  24. Those cakes are great! My son would love the Angry Birds one. It looks like a beautiful school. Best wishes for your Mum. Have a great week! #2

  25. hi Anne,

    I don't know what to comment on first.... love the cakes. You are an amazing decorator! The boys are so adorable too.

    Still not participating yet, but hope to soon.


  26. One does need a bit more time to be crafty. Love the cakes!! They are radically fab! Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #49

  27. The cakes are absolutely fab. Congrats to the budding author.... great job and pics.
    Sandra @87

  28. Hi Anne, those cakes are fantastic - I bet they went down a treat. The school looks like a very good place to be educated. The hall decoration is fabulous and I can see the children were filled with enthusiasm for the subject. Hopefully it will cool down soon and maybe we will feel more like crafting again :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #37

  29. Love the Angry Birds cake! Thats awesome. Fab school project, love the banners. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #70 xx

  30. What a lovely newsy post, and I agree with Elizabeth - that school looks to be a very stimulating environment for learning happily. Your cakes are awesome, my icing is very much of the rough snow scene variety. Thank you for your visit this week and I look forward to seeing more of your photos in the future. xx Maggie #38

  31. So many things to look at. I loved the boys' banners and seeing them dressed up in their footie outfits. The cakes were outstanding...wow! I certainly couldn't manage to make anything like that!! Joan

  32. What a fun share of the school activities, Anne, and the cakes are AWEmazing!! Good luck this week with the tidy up. I can just see your creativity peeking out from under some of the stuff. Actually it doesn't look too bad; you'll have it in ship-shape in no time (prolly by the time you're reading this) and be hard at work on your display cards.

    (Still praying for your sweet mum. So frustrating. All the best! Darnell)

  33. Wow I thought I had been busy lately!!

    The cakes looks just amazing - almost too nice to eat.

    Sorry I am late visiting.

    Laura x

  34. wow, what an incredibly creative week.
    blessings to you from Angela


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...