Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Time once more to go and have a peep at crafty desks around the world!!!!! I swear these Wednesdays come around more quickly each time.

Thank you for all the kind wishes for my mum. She had her brain scan and all was ok. That's good news but we still don't know what the problem is and she is still not well :-(

As usual it has been another hectic week here at Copper Beeches. Since last Wednesday I've done only a little crafting. I went to Windsor and to Buckingham Palace ( in the gardens) to The Coronation Festival ( more of that in another post). Yesterday I did craft a teeny tiny bit and made a dessert. Today I went to one of my fellow sugar crafters for a 'garden party' in her garden to mark the end of term. The above dessert was my contribution to lunch. Then this evening my youngest granddaughter Phoebe 'graduated' from the nursery she attends at present. ( She is moving to another for her final year of nursery so that she will be with the children she will start school with in  a years time. )
Sorry Julia I digress- though I fear my desk alone is too boring !!!!
But here it is. AKA dining room table.

The butterfly as it was :-( , I have been playing with a new stamp set and punch from SU, a bag of Percy Pig sweets - not for me - too divide up into little treat packs for grandchildren - ok I had two to test they were fit for consumption :-)

Above a very quick card for GD - she just loves Hello Kitty. Two treat packs for the girls. ( They love their flip flops )

Said Percy Pig Sweeties. 

 Ladies 'wot lunch'

 Below the beautiful garden where we lunched - this photo does not do it justice.

Above one of the hanging baskets - just amazing.

A view down to the house where you can see the parasols - definitely needed today - so hot.

 Below my 'dessert' . We had a wonderful lunch and I forgot to take a photograph of the delicious dishes on offer.

If you'd like to join in WOYWW pop along  Julia's Blog. I will be popping along to have a look at some desks tomorrow when I link up with Julia. x


  1. It looks like you're really enjoying your summer! What a beautiful garden! I'm excited, my 3 girls arrive at the airport in 5 hours! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Hi Anne, love the graduating hello kitty card - though 'graduating' from a nursery is a new concept to me :) - and the flip flop baggies of goodies must have delighted the little ones. Your desert does look yummy and that garden is the perfect location for a summer lunch. Hope your mum gets a definitive diagnosis for what ails her soon and that she makes a good recovery too. As usual, I hope you have a good week, perhaps somewhat less hectic would be good :) Hugs, Elizabeth x #47

  3. Well they look very tastie! I love the hello kitty card and the garden's looking brill, mine's a mess as I'm painting and chopping down things I want to change and hubby's repairing the shed and it's tooooo hot to do anything!
    have a great crafty week, Happy WoYWw!
    ((Lyn)) #11

  4. Love the Hello Kitty card. The desert does look yummy...I really hope that the doctors manage to get to the bottom of what is wrong with your Mum and that she feels better soon. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#78)

  5. Hi Ann
    wish you had been given better news for your poor mum it is so hard when you know something is wrong but you don't know what it is. Here is hoping you get some answers soon and mum can start to feel better
    Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week with this lovely weather
    Ria #75

  6. Lovely pictures, Anne, and the Hello Kitty stuff is great! She will be thrilled with it. Hope they find out what's wrong with your mum and manage to get her sorted. It's worrying, and neurological things can be notoriously difficult to diagnose, as I know from painful experience!

    Thanks for your lovely comment. Definitely "fabber" lol!! I'm off to the new house again tomorrow so hopefully more photos will follow. It's all very exciting.

    I've got quite a lot of videos on my Youtube channel - a mixed bunch really, and some of my really early ones are a bit embarrassing but I've got better at it (and creative stuff too) since making them. Once I'm up and running, I should be able to do great things with the new camera. Photographing (and increasingly, video-ing) my work is an important part of the process for me and I know I'm going to get a lot of use out of it.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #116

  7. Hi Anne,
    I hope they find out what is going on with your mum. I guess sometimes we have to go through the process of elimination first. Glad the brain scan came back good.

    Your outing sounds perfect. The gardens are lovely and your dessert looks heavenly!

    The Hello Kitty card is way sweet - do you have a stamp?

    I'm not participating in WOYWW this week (again). But wanted to pay you a visit.


  8. I hope there's some pudding left over! I'm coming around for a taste, lol!! So nice to see everyone enjoying themselves in the sun. The Hello Kitty card is very sweet, no wonder Phoebe loved it!,
    Hugs, LLJ 46 xx

  9. Sorry to hear your mum isn't well, there is nothing worse than not knowing what the problem is. I hope she has a diagnosis and is one the mend soon. Thanks also for a wonderful peek inside your world! It looks like a wonderful spot to lunch at and that delicious looking dessert is making me salivate as I read your post. Happy WOYWW! Danie #34

  10. Hello Anne! I hope the doctors find what is wrong with your Mum. My DH's mother will be released from hospital tomorrow and back to the Alzheimer ward at the senior center. Her arm seems to be doing fine. In the meantime, I have caught a terrible summer cold, so am miserable. Although I felt badly, I was able to make a card today! Isn't it funny how that happens! Love your sweet treat bags! What an excellent grandma! (for actually saving some candy for the kiddos - LOL) Have a wonderful week and enjoy the weather!

  11. I'm only just getting round to doing a bit of blog hopping to check out what my friends have been up to this week....a 6am to 9pm day with my gorgeous grandchildren yesterday sort of got in the way of blogging....but I'm not complaining cos it was a wonderful day. :-)
    Glad to hear your Mum's results were good...I'm sure this heat won't be helping how she's feeling.
    Hope you have a great week.
    A x #55

  12. Hope your mum gets better, thanks for the snoop around, love your desk lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

    Happy WOYWW
    Jay NO.65

  13. Oh yummy post today!! What an exciting week you had. x Jo

  14. I am just on my way round for one of those piggie bags...love those! I want some of that pudding if Jan has left any!
    That HK card is gorgeous.
    I do hope they sort your Mum out very soon so you can stop worrying.

  15. You certainly have had a lovely time at your lunch and that pud looked really tempting. Hope you enjoyed it.
    Liked your Hello Kitty card, so sweet for a little girl from about birth to 7, I'm always stuck for ideas for kids cards but that looked lovely.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, hope you are enjoying your crochet and will let us see some of it on here soon.

  16. Happy Belated WOYWW, Anne! Your post was wonderful, except for the good/bad news about your mother. I hope they find the culprit soon! Thanks for sharing the news and adorable card for GD and all the beautiful pictures of your outing!! Thank you, too, for the visit to the Playhouse and have a wonderful week! Darnell #20

  17. Love the little treat bags and that cake and fresh fruit just yummie. I do hope you mum improves soon, nothing worse than not knowing what is wrong. Those gardens are just beautiful and thanks for sharing. So sorry I am running late this week visiting, life just got in the way but hey i am here now.

    Belated WOYWW
    Eliza 26

  18. ah busy day wodnerful flowers pickies etc thanks for sharing Anne and thanks so much for popping over Happy WOYWW :D Shaz in Oz.x #30

  19. I started to leave you a comment the other day, but got sidetracked onto looking at the Hello Kitty stuff online, and have only just realised that I did not finish what I was doing. Having looked at your lovely photos, I reckon you must live very close to my Auntie Betty. It certainly looks as though you are having a lovely time lunching outside. I totally sympathise with the chaos that comes when the kitchen has to be done. In my experience, it seems to spread over the entire house. Hope it is soon done and you can get back to normal. Have a good week, and that the heat is not too much for you. xx Maggie #18

  20. Only just getting round to replies as it has been far too hot in my craft corner. The dessert looks fab and the treat packs are great. Thanks for visiting me this week BJ#56

  21. I have missed some of your posts over the last weeks, Anne, while I have been traveling and then had a house full of guests, and I can see from this post that I need to scroll back to catch up :) While hot weather is not my favorite either, I am still enjoying the lovely warm days we have been having, but one of the odd things about living so near the Pacific here is that we rarely have thunderstorms. I hope your storm refreshed the air around you! I loved seeing your treats and sweets and flowers and friends and add my prayers with others that all will be well with your mum.
    Gracie xx


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...