Tuesday, 11 January 2022


 Goodness where did that week go? 

I am still sorting and cleaning. 

I had lunch out on Friday at a friend's house. I was somewhat apprehensive but we were well spaced out and windows open. It was a lovely lunch. We all chatted for several hours 😆 we are all crafters so always lots to talk about / share. 

It has also been a week of sad news 

My D.I.L. tested positive - she is lot better but has been poorly and down 

A friend lost her Nephew, in his 20's and whole family got covid via a carer - it's long story and don't really want to put detail here. Heartbreaking though.

Another friend has lost her sister - very sudden 😢 so tragic.

I also heard that my Auntie suffered a stroke - I have very few details due to difficult family situation- but do worry about her still.

Today heard that my great nephew- who has Cerebal Palsy - he is five - has had covid but getting better. His grandfather who lives with him has now got it. Pray he recovers.

I managed to finish the little envelopes and add chocolate. The ladies have their projects now. I saw the idea on FB - decorated calendars. The calendars were from PaperMill Direct. I sent them a calendar each and have said that they can decorate if they wish using what they have or use them as they are. Sent them photos of ones the lady on FB used to help with ideas.

These are finished mini envelopes. They contain a small amount of chocolate. 

Thank you for the lovely comments last week.  I will visit as many desks as I can.  Take care all. 🙂 


  1. That is a lot of sad news - I hope those with covid recover. Love the decorated envelopes. Happy WOYWW Helen #6

  2. Sorry to hear that so many friends have lost people/suffering from Covid Anne. The envelopes are lovely and the idea of calendars is a good one. I need to get some for 2023 so I can decorate them as presents for next CHristmas. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. Morning Anne. Oh my - what a week! I trust everyone recovers from the virus. Trust you manage to find out something about your aunt and manage to discover how she is doing.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  4. Oh Anne what a sad time you’re having. There’s so many bugs about and Covid is everywhere. Sending you big virtual hugs ( my real ones come with too many bugs still). I love your little envelopes.
    Annie x

  5. Hi Anne, sorry to hear your news. My parents got Covid about April 2020 and I lost my dad to it. We know it was carers then but I don't blame them as masks and stuff were difficult to get hold of. My father dies but mum got over it and is now 93 and is doing okay. I have a friend who has two girls and one grandaughter, two girls have it, the baby and one husband but they seem to be getting better. It seems to get round really quickly so we are being as careful as we can for my mum. Things are not easy at the moment and we just have to hope this thing goes away in time or at least slows down. Loving your envelopes they look really bright and colourful, just what we need at the moment. Have a happy woyww, Angela x13x

  6. There are so many sad stories around, I’m sorry your family seems to have had more than their fair share this week. I am very glad that you managed to meet your crafting friends, how lovely, as long as everyone is careful, then these things can go ahead.
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  7. Oh dear Anne, you do seem to have had a lot of bad news all at once. Glad you managed to get out with some friends, is does make all the difference doesn't it? Love your little envelopes and the calenders are a great idea. Take care, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #17

  8. So sorry you’ve had so much bad news, Anne. Your lunch sounded lovely though. Your envelopes of chocolates look great. If I ever master my chocolate-making, I could send out little envelopes like that!
    I like the idea of custom calendars
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 2

  9. That is a lot of sad news in a short time. Wishing those with Corvid a speedy recovery and hoping you can find out about your Aunt’s heath. Hugs Angela #4

  10. Oh my gosh, however careful I fear this damn virus is creeping closer and eventually we’re all going to have a dose of it, just pray the vaccines keep us on the less poorly side. So sorry for your poorly lovelies,quite apart from feeling rotten, it must be a it scary. I bet the chocolates went down really well, they looked lovely. Delighted that you’ve managed a get together, so helpful to lift the spirits, you don’t realise til it’s happened! Have been browsing the SU catalogue slowly and very deliberately…you will hear from me at some point, but I’ve got a big list to whittle down!

    1. Hi Julia. Always happy to help when you are ready. I am also trying to Whittle down my list. 😀 x

  11. HI Anne, I'm so sorry for your losses, it seems this is a bad time of year. I hope that your nephew and his GF recover quickly, as well as your Auntie. It wasn't until recently that I didn't know anyone who had had Covid, now I know 3 people, all vaccinated with mild symptoms thankfully. How nice that you were able to meet up with your crafty friends. I only have one nearby, but I haven't seen her for several months. Have a great week, stay safe, Lindart #21

  12. Wow Anne, you have had a nightmare of a week in terms of sad news. I know the situation with your Auntie is difficult for you but I remember her fondly and will include her and everyone else in my prayers. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

  13. Hi Anne, I'm so sorry for your losses, this virus is causing so much heartache for people. The little envelopes are cute, and I'm sure we'll received. Glad you managed a small get together with your crafting friends. I don't have any friends nearby that craft, but who knows, maybe I'll meet some soon! Have a lovely week, Heather #20

  14. So sad about those who passed and praying for full recoveries of those ill. The mini envys look great! Take care.
    Carol N #19


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...