Wednesday, 22 December 2021


 It's been so long I know. So much going on and I was finding it fiddly trying to get  photos on etc etc. Youngest son has tweaked a bit here and there so hope it might prove easier.

Since last visit I did a class, went on holiday to Cornwall, did an All Day Christmas Class and then made stuff for a Craft Fayre.  Which was cancelled at 8am on the morning it was supposed to happen - inclement weather πŸ˜‘ I have said never again. I have managed to sell some and gave some away for Charity. 

I have made four attempts to blog since September but ended up losing posts and gave up. 

My desk is empty as I have been clearing the room for visitors - but who knows if that will happen - both sons and families on 27th.

A few photos 

Stockings decorated and filled for ladies at class.0

Some of ladies
Some makes

Some of Craft Fayre makes.

The morning of Craft Fayre

A little knitting not quite finished here, made two for grandsons. 

More Craft Fayre makes.

A Very Merry Christmas to all.  πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 


  1. SO good to see you Anne and sorry to hear the craft fayre was cancelled after all your hard work - such a great array of goodies. Merry Christmas, stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Hi - lovely to have you back again. Lits of gorgeous makes, both at the class and since. What a shame about the weather. Hope all goes well for the 27th.
    Christmas Hugs - Neet 3 xx

  3. I’m doing the rounds of all my favourite blogs in between making strawberry/sherry trifles ready for our family get togethers.....the jelly is just setting a little before I put it on (don’t want to dilute the sherry πŸ˜‚). I’ve got no sewing today so making the most of my time.
    It’s really good to see you joining in the fun today. So sorry you’ve been having techy problems...really hope they are sorted now.
    I just want to thank you for your friendship and for all the lovely comments over the last year. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and 2022 is a little kinder on us all.
    Annie x

  4. Lovely to see you back on the desks and let's hope your son's tweaking has sorted out the problems. Your makes are absolutely beautiful - always so professional looking and gorgeous designs - what a shame the craft fayre was cancelled, I know from experience how much hard work goes into doing a fayre.
    I hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #12

  5. It’s so lovely to see you on the Linky List Anne! Hooray for your son managing to tweak something, fingers crossed it continues to work. I love all the Christmas crafting, what a pain about the fair being cancelled at the last minute though, I can understand your frustration. I do love the stockings for your ladies as well, they’re very cute.
    Hope you have a marvellous Christmas Anne,
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  6. Lovely makes but so disappointing about the craft fayre! Couldn't they just have postponed it - the snow was gone in a day - around us it was gone in a matter of hours! Oh well. Lovely catching up with you. You haven't been around much! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas! xx zsuzsa #21

  7. I am sorry the fayre got cancelled at the last minute - but well done on selling some of the things anyway. Hope your Christmas is fabulous fun and everyone can make it! Take care and stay safe, happy Christmas. Helen #2

  8. That must have been quite a surprise and not a good one to find the Fayre cancelled. So many lovely things and gorgeous cards too. Take care and wishing you a very happy woyww Christmas. Hugs Angela x11x

  9. Hello Anne, I've missed you. It's such a pain when our technology lets us down. In the meantime, you have been busy. Shame about the cancellation of the crafte fayre - I can well imagine your disappointment. It sounds like your going to have a lovely Christmas with your family visiting. Merry Christmas, have a wonderful time. Elizabeth x #22

  10. WOW all the super makes, shame about the craft fare. Love the knitting would love to see finished. Have a Happy Christmas, hugs BJ#13

  11. Goodmorning Anne, I, too, don't blog that much anymore (not because of problems with blogging but since I have a job, I don't have much time to visit all the other deskers so I skip these Wednesday posts most of the time.) I like your Christmas decorations, especially the 'circle' with the stars (how do you call it, a wrath?) I wish you and all your loved ones Merry Christmas and a wonderful, healthy and creative New Year! Love from Holland, Marit #14

  12. Good to see you back here! What a fab festive post - so many lovely items. All the very best for Christmas and New Year. xx Jo

  13. Hope the medication does the trick and well done at managing to get to the appointment but maybe most people are out doing their last minute shopping. I don't know how our bodies know the worst time to start giving up on us. At least you can relax now knowing things should get better. Take care and have a lovely Christmas. Hugs, Angela xXx

  14. I was just checking back as blogger was playing up when I commented and I can’t see it! Such a shame about the craft fair and all your hard work. Wishing you a very happy Christmas Angela #17

  15. Happy Christmas Anne, how lovely to see you and great to know that youre well. You have been busy, I bet the ladies at your all day Christmas card workshop felt very spoilt and Christmassy. Argh and shame about the cancellation of the craft fair, its enough to make you spit, I can see how much time you invested in making. Lovely to read that bot sons and families will be able to gather at yours this year, a very happy Christmas to you!


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...