Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Gosh this last week went quickly. I have been busy preparing for my All Day Class on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing the seven ladies and enjoying the food that my friend will prepare for us. i know there's lemon and lime cheesecake for dessert and carrot cake for the afternoon :-) - I'm never going to be thin!!! I did manage to swim twice last week but I don't think that will counteract all I've eaten. Unfortunately when I am stressed I eat - and I've been worrying a lot about mum and her situation.

I was happy on Friday and Saturday when I knew my sons and their families had returned safely from  their holidays in Portugal/ US ( Florida ) I'm so pleased that they had fabulous holidays but so relieved they were home safe and sound.

On Saturday evening we had a lovely meal at younger sons to celebrate their homecoming Lasagne and salad followed by tiramisu- yummy.
Enjoyed looking at all the photos :-)

I have almost finished everything for the class - on my desk/aka dining table you can see final bits being finished.

Normally the ladies would do own die cutting but they need a lot of these and I only have one set and one Big Shot!

Looking further down - there is an order to it - honest :-)

And I've spread out onto the sideboard - I've made some goody bags as well .

Popped into Aldi last Wed after the dentist and bought the above for some charity knitting - not the price marked!!!!

The yarn above is for a CAl I decided to try and join in with - just in case I don't have enough to do :-) The yarn is the basic kit but it is beautifully soft.

If you would like to join in WOYWW then pop along to Julia's Blog and find out more.
I will visit all who visit me, those ending in the same number and as many others that I can.


  1. I'm glad your sons are safely home. We worry...sometimes I think that's our unofficial job description as Moms no matter how old the children may be. Our youngest is coming home next week for three entire weeks. He lives in Tokyo and it's been 2 1/2 years since he's been home. I'm very excited. Your class sounds as though it will be a good one, I wish I lived close enough to join you and learn a new craft.

  2. Oh look at all that yarn! You'll have fun working with it. I'm sure enjoying my flowers in the snow blanket project. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. I hope your class and your knitting are successful, Anne! Happy Week to you and yours xx

  4. That yarn looks beautiful - I can never resist anything that's in colour order like that, it's alwasy so appealing! The little die cut flowers and leaves look sweet, I like the lacy open effect. Hope you have a great week and thanks so much for the stopping by my desk earlier,

    Diana #19

  5. Hi Anne.....ou're another one that has more hours in your days than me. You get so much done.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 8

  6. ah, Anne, a wonderful collection of wool and yes love your desk, trust mum is keeping well and not too worrying, do take you burdens to the LORD in prayer, He can work where we cannot.
    Your class looks a lot of work but am sure it is going to be successful too :D
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 20

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  7. Yep, that's a real 'mom-thing'... happy when everybody is back home and 'safe'... we never loose that feeling, isn't it? Have fun at the workshop! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland! Marit #26

  8. Those rose die cuts look lovely and I'm sure the ladies at your class will love it too.
    I love the wool. I have recently joined a sock knitting group but haven't got round to buying wool yet. I like socks that can be machine washed and I haven't found any yet. Might have to order some online....
    It's always a relief when everyone has safely returned to base, however old they are.
    Thanks for your visit and your kind comment,
    Happy WOYWW,

  9. Hi Anne, I could feel the pounds going on as I read your post, Lol. Not a thing there I'd be able to resist! Good work with all that prepping- less hassle on the day! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xxx

  10. Hope your class goes well on Saturday. I hope your mom and her situation improves. Happy your sons and families returned home safe.
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #29

  11. I know what you mean about stress eating. I do it too! I also have trouble sleeping. I wondered why I was gritting my teeth really hard in sleep and I realise it is because Mum has another scan coming up. Always worry. I hope things work out with your mum.

    I hope you have a wonderful class. It sounds like you are getting well organised!

    Sharon K #36

  12. Enjoy knitting. Those colours are just yummy!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #44

  13. That all looks good it seems as though you are in control and almost organised. I envy you being able to knit as that is something that has always eluded me. Elaine no. 51

  14. I'm sure you'll have a blast with that yarn. It looks so yummy!
    Wishing you a creative fun week to come... hope to see you next week again at WOYWW♥
    MiSchra ♥ #42

  15. Wow Anne, those die cuts are beautiful, and you are going to have fun with all that wool.
    Thanks for visiting my page and you nice comments.
    Chris #4

  16. Hi Anne, Hope the situation with your mum sorts itself out.

    Glad your family are all home safe. You just never know these days, do you.

    Looks like you are busy and loving the wool colours.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #12

  17. hope the class goes well. and well done on some bargains. Helen #1

  18. Busy! Busy! Busy!, hope the class goes well. Happy crafty woyww, Angela x 16

  19. So fun to spend time with family! Those die cuts look very intricate and gorgeous! Hope your class goes great! Thanks for the visit and hope you have a great week!
    Carol N #34

  20. Love the colours and diecuts you have prepared and the yarn is great too. BJ#27

  21. Also trying to get thin, but temptation is everywhere, trying the 5:2 diet, that means i can eat what i want on 5 days and follow a strict diet on the other 2, only eaten 500cal in 2 meals. Hopefully this will work. happy belated WOYWW Vicky #9

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Hello Anne. Looks like you have had a busy week and glad your family is back from holidays too. Have fun teaching your class and love the die cuts.Have a fantastic week Hugs ~Anne L#38

  24. Gorgeous collection of cards. Pleased everyone got home safely, travel is a bit scary at the moment wherever you go. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x 21


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Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...