Tuesday, 5 April 2016

WOYWW etc etc

Well I was missing last week - been away and then had my mum here - more of that in a while. Had been going to post yesterday re what I'd been up to - but never got round to it :-( so will do my desk and for anyone interested I'll do a 'part 2 ' :-)

So to my desk  aka dining table ( I don have to keep clearing it off - someone asked - we only use dining room on highdays and holidays when all family come DH and I usually eat in the kitchen

So two views

Above I am prepping for my next all day class- yes there were two mugs there :-)

In this view is my very old sewing machine and curtains that I am turning up for a friend not very happy with how it's going :-(

So there you are not  very interesting

Why am I showing you? Click on WOYWW button on my blog and find out more.

I will visit all who visit me and those ending in same number.

Etc etc

It has been a whirlwind of activity since my last post !
Thursday 24th March saw me having hair done and packing. DH and I went down to Southampton on 25th March ready for our nephew Michael's wedding. Friday night saw us with some members of family, including the groom enjoying dinner together. We were all pleased  Mum was able make it as well. She hadn't been very well again - and as is usual she delayed going to see the doctor.
On Saturday we all had a leisurely breakfast together and then all got dressed up :-)in our wedding finery.
The wedding took place at Romsey Town Hall with the Reception at Amfield Golf Club. Lovely time  had by all.

 Bit of a blurry photo of back of dress

Bridesmaids - flower girl is my great niece Tabitha 

 my nephews, sis in law and brother ( flower l and mummy at end - wife and daughter of my nephew 1st right)
 top table

cake - I didnt make this one

DH and I decided stay down that way for an extra couple of days - just in time  for storm Katie :-) was not as bad as we'd thought ( very windy during Sun night) however didn't do  a lot as DH was poorly - turned out to be a chest infection -  but we had a rest.

 At Southampton - a large cruise ship - Britannia I think

On Monday we went to Calshot - saw ship come in

Returned home on Tues and then mum came - she had been at my brother's for a few days.
Friday - 1st April :-) it was my birthday. Went out for lunch and then had a Chinese take away in the evening - quite low key - son's and family away and DH unwell. Did enjoy the day though and had lots of lovely cards.

Flowers  sent by my son and family who are on holiday in Florida

Mum cuddling Alexis - my phone flashed and startled her.

 I had a cuddle with my great nephew - he's at home now and mum held him. His daddy went to just the wedding ceremony as he was joint best man. It was a long journey for him though especially as they are getting no sleep. Alexis is struggling  with feeds. Some concern re arm  that was broken , it is healing but little movement - could be nerve damage or to do with the damage to right side of brain due to being starved of oxygen. We just have to wait now.

Managed to go swimming today - had  miss a couple of weeks.

Well that's all for now. Back Soon.


  1. I'm having a lunchtime catch up with my fav blogs today as my curtain cutting assistant came early and I then went on to shorten the dreaded curtains first....they are all done now :-)
    You sure have had another busy week....lovely wedding. Hope hubby is feeling better now.
    Hug's Ammie x # 10

  2. Mm, lots going on as usual Anne, and pray the little laddie's arm heals okay and moves as it should for him. Glad you dear mum was able to make it and good to see it was a happy time smiled at your two cuppas too, think we can mostly relate to that one! Happy WOYWW!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Shaz in Oz.x 36

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  3. Great to see a photo of the baby. I hope everything will be well re his brain damage. Time will tell. Your mum is looking good in spite of being startled.
    Gosh you have been busy. Wedding and holiday and mum to worry about, and hubby not being well. Oh well, it doesn't rain but it pours as they say.
    Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting,
    Have a great week ahead,

  4. Hi Ann, what a busy week you've had. The wedding looked wonderful, and that cake was amazing. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #9 xx

  5. Well your pretty pink mug matches the card you are preparing also the bride's maids dresses. Super cake and adorable baby. Happy WOYWW BJ#51

  6. Lovely photos - you were down in my neck of the woods, we overlook Southampton Water and most weeks we can be found walking along Calshot or Lepe beach - the Hubs and I also got married in Romsey!! Sounds like you had a lovely time and the cake is just gorgeous.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana #18

  7. Busy week for you. Great pictures of the wedding!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #30

  8. Beautiful wedding! Glad you were able to stay and enjoy a couple of days too. Hope your mum is feeling better. Happy belated birthday!

    Sharon K #42

  9. I hate shortening curtains!! So you are a saint for doing those 😊 What a busy week you've had, nice to see the pics. Belated Happy Birthday, your flowers were beautiful 💖💐
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xx

  10. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to you!! I'm glad you're getting to spend time with your family and the wedding looked wonderful. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. Enjoyed seeing all the wedding photos!!
    You are a busy person! Kuddos to you for sewing curtains, I am not good at all with those!!
    Happy Creative week and Happy Late Birthday to you!

  12. Belated Happy Birthday, Anne! :) I hope your husband is well now. I'm glad you were able to attend the wedding and I greatly admired all the hats! It is raining flurries of wild cherry blossoms at my house today. Cheers for you swimming! xx


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...