Wednesday, 23 December 2015


Phew nearly didn't make it again. Meant to get post ready last night but invited out to son's for mulled wine and mince pies. Straight to bed when I got in - so tired!!! Last weekend I was at mum's. It's been a rush fitting everything in but am now done.
I have cleared almost everything crafty  from my desk/ table as it will be needed - we are having visitors :-)
So here it is at moment. Plus a shot of the sideboard with this years cake. Also my dresser with the village scene plus states I received in a swap.
Happy Christmas everyone. Have a wonderful time.

My snow queen is a bit chunky - too much wine and too many mince pies :-)

Thanks for looking. Will be along to visit later.


  1. Good morning.
    I'm doing a quick whizz round all my fav blogs before hitting the supermarket for the last minute shop.
    I would just like to wish you a very happy Christmas and hope that 2016 comes with all you wish for yourself.
    Big hugs,
    Annie x #16

  2. Lovely photos. As I still have tidying up to do I am getting round quick today to wish you a great Christmas and a very Happy and Crafty New Year. Angela x 21

  3. I love your Christmas cake and snow scene...that's made me feel very festive!! Hope you have a lovely time with your family :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  4. I love the pretty scene on your dresser - it's beautiful. Did I read it right - is that a cake? If so it's pretty amazing and far to good to eat!! Many thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you have a great Christmas,
    Diana #22

  5. Your decorations are beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for stopping by!
    Carol N #34

  6. A chunky snow queen sounds good to me! Love your very festive scene there Ann. Happy WOYWW'ing and a very Merry Christmas to you! Love Debbie #29 xXx

  7. I will hopefully get my table done in the morning. Have a great Christmas xx Soojay

  8. Hi Anne, Love all your decorations.

    Hope you have a lovely time over the holidays.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #20

  9. The house is a cake, is it? Wow! Your winter scene is amazing too! Lovely decorations and is that the white Lindor chocolate? Yumm! I've got one of those for my son to scatter them around his presents. I will sample some of them to make sure they're not poisonous. Happy holidays! zsuzsa #38

  10. Hello Anne. Thanks for your visit this week and last! How true that without Christ, Christmas is indeed Xmas - and we all remember from our schooldays that X=the unknown factor!!! Thank you for your prayers for John. He is actually going to be coming home tomorrow - he's had enough of hospitals. He will arrive with care packages and with Oxygen - so we will be having very different Christmas this year.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  11. Hi Anne,
    What beautiful Christmas decorations! I didn't do anything - except display the beautiful cards I received. Will definitely do better next year!

    I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!

    Happy WOYWW

  12. Thanks for the visit and sharing your lovely photos. Mince Pie oh I haven't had that in a long time. One of my favorites. I surprised myself with being ahead of the game with prep work for the next 3 days for all my company coming. Good feeling and the weather is to be nice for travel. Have a wonderful Christmas

  13. Very festive looking! Know what you mean about the table. I have to get mine clear too lol. This SHOULD be the last year as I am getting a craft room when daughter's things are moved out!

  14. Your Christmas scenes are lovely! The house looks great too! (Christmas cake or gingerbread house?)

  15. What a sweet and magical nativity scene. Love how you've lit it. Mine needs some lights.
    *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  16. Fabulous cake and decorations ...looks like you are set for a wonderful christmas.
    sandra de @25

  17. I'm running behind, but that's what I've done for the past two weeks. Thanks for the earlier visit. I love the decorations in your home. it looks very festive. I hope you have a merry, safe Christmas, filled with good health, happiness, and love. Happy WOYWW and happy holidays from Bleubeard, Squiggles, and #2 (that's me).

  18. wonderful design there Anne, beautifully made, and you exhaust me wiht your list of things to do..
    The LORD bless you and those you love this Christmas time, wiht the peace of the first Christmas in your hearts.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  19. What a lovely Christmas display we have here - thanks so much for sharing.
    Like the White Rabbit in Alice I am "Late" - only just getting around to commenting and it is almost time for another week to begin. Sorry, but Christmas got in the way.
    All the best for 2016
    Hugs, Neet xx


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...