Tuesday, 29 December 2015

WOYWW and a Happy New Year

No crafting to show you but wanted to say    Happy New Year.

Almost cleared dining table/ aka desk after festivities :-) cloth still on and here is a colouring book I bought on spur of moment but didn't do anything with in end.

Where I could visited everyone last week - there were one or two blogs I couldn't get on to. Hope everyone had a wonderful time.

On 23rd Dec we went up to Yorkshire to spend Christmas with our eldest son, daughter in law Carolynn and her parents and of course our gorgeous grandsons harry and Sam.

He's been!!!!

Beaytifully laid table and some colouring in for us all between courses :-)

Gorgeous starter

A selfie of us all at the table
Below Carolynn (D.I.L.) and son Matthew 

DH and Matthew

Matthew and yours truly ( hair a bit flat after hat from cracker :-)

We had a wonderful time up there. Lovely food and company and our grandsons were delightful.

We returned on Boxing Day as did our family from Yorkshire and then went to our youngest son and family for Boxing day/ evening. Had another super time with both sons, their wives and all our grandchildren - what other present could we ask for ( though we did get some lovely ones as well)

On Sunday DH and I played host and hostess. everyone came to us along with my brother, his wife and some friends. have to say we had a really good time - I finally got to bed at half past one on Monday morning!!!

Grandsons allowed some time on their ipads next morning

After a walk on Monday morning - eventually,  when we were all up and dressed we went a walk - well all except DH who is poorly again :-( then son' wife and grandchildren went home :-( boo.

DH and I chilling and I am going to watch Downton - recorded and have tried to avoid any references to it :-)

Fairly short and sweet - as Julia would like. I will pop by and visit my favourite blogs, all who visit me and those ending with same number as me.

Enjoy your celebrations if you are having any and a very Happy New Year.


  1. What wonderful photos of your fabulous family having holiday times together. Very pretty you are! I'm glad to see your sweet face in your blog.

      *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Happy New Year to you, too. sounds like you had a very busy Christmas - smashing! Helen 5

  3. What a lovely Christmas you had! Happy New Year x Jo

  4. I'm rather late doing my visits today but am feeling rather poorly. I just want to wish all my blogging friends a wonderful New Year and lets hope it's a happy healthy one full of crafty fun for us all.
    Annie x #25

  5. Christmas and family - just a wonderful combination. Ours was special too with little 2yo GD having a wonderful time. HNY Cheers RobynO#27

  6. Happy new year to you and yours!
    robyn 2

  7. What a lovely happy blog post, it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with your lovely family. I hope you have a very Happy New Year too!
    Diana #18

  8. You look like you all had a wonderful time! My lot here (at least the men) all fell asleep on the sofa after eating!

  9. It sure looks like everyone is having a swell time. Happy New Year! Carole 33

  10. Anne, Your number is actually 17, not 16.

    Looks like you had a perfect Christmas.

    thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #12

  11. Looks like a great family Christmas! All the best for 2016. Happy crafting, Max #32 :-)

  12. That's a great pic of you Anne! I'm so glad you had a great Christmas with your family :-). Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xx

  13. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year!
    Carol N #34

  14. Lovely photo reminders of a great time, Anne. You certainly know how to fill your time - boredom is obviously NOT a word in your dictionary! Well done. I should imagine you are now sleeping it off.
    Thanks for your visit and your good wishes. We had a truly blessed Christmas - a very precious time. The family all have gone home today, so now the house is quiet, but not yet completely sorted. But it was very special to have everyone here with John at home - not having to drive back and forth along the A55 was SUCH a blessing.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  15. Hi Anne, I can see you had a great Christmas and I am sending you big New Year hugs. Take care, Angela xXx

  16. Lovely to see you and your family and your happy celebrations, Anne! I hope your hubby feels well soon and I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, 2016! xx

  17. Looks like some lovely celebrating going on. Sorry to hear about your dear husband. Sorry to hear about your dear husband sending you both wishes for a healthy new year. Peg 38

  18. Happy new year too you and yours and those are some fancy cracker hats they look great!! hugs Nikki 1

  19. Looks like a lovely family Christmas
    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    Kyla #31

  20. What a lovely post! You can't beat Christmas morning with little ones and their excitement that 'He's been!'. I miss that now my boy is 17! Happy New Year to you and yours. Take care Zo xx 30

  21. Sounds like you have had an awesome holiday...hope the rain and flooding aren't effecting you and yours. We got a total of 4.8" here the Sunday/Monday after Christmas...we are in Oklahoma USA and it is flooding around here too! Happy New Year! Vickie #46

  22. So many wonderful family photos! And that food looks yummy! Beautiful presentation.
    Thank you for stopping and leaving a comment earlier. While I'm running late I am enjoying a leisure day of visiting everyone's posts. Happy New Year!

  23. What a wonderful set of photos to mark what was such a happy time for you.
    Hope DH is feeling much better now.
    Happy New Year to you both
    Hugs, Neet xx

  24. Just found you via Teresa's blog, what a lovely photo of you and your son :) Off to explore more of your blog now :) jillxo

  25. Found you via Teresa's blog, what a lovely photo of you and your son :) Off to explore more of your blog now, Jillxo


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...