Wednesday, 5 August 2015


It's that time again - time to have a look at the desks/workspace of other crafters around the world. Want to know more then click on the WOYWW button on my blog and find out more. be warned though it's very addictive.
So since last week DH and I had a lovely evening with friends on Friday. Granddaughters came on Saturday with their daddy - our youngest son and we were kept on our toes crafting and then watching their puppet show :-)
Sunday I tidied up bits of the garden - can't do too much in one go any more - and I planted one or plants I'd bought at the Flower Show.
On Monday I went to chat to my friend about sugar paste peonies for a wedding cake for my nephew and his fiancĂ©e ( sadly their cake maker had a stroke - at the time there was only 8 weeks to go until the wedding. On top of that my nephew's gran had collapsed at home and been taken into hospital - her son - my B.I.L. and sister were due to travel to my mum's as they were taking her on holiday to Guernsey. The bride,s mum also had to go into hospital for an operation yesterday. So I have been organising the cake - with a lot of help from friends, will tell you more about cake and wedding another time. )Another friend joined us and off we went for lunch - would have been rude not to :-)
Yesterday was crafting - lots of cards needed and I have a Crafternoon Tea planned for 22nd August - but have a million things happening before then so have to be prepared.
Today a bit of me time - treated myself to a manicure - then more crafting - so this was my space late this afternoon - yes I know I'm a bit late :-)
There is a get well card there for my nephew's M.I.L. to be.

Below is card I have been making for my Aunt . Have some finishing touches to put to it.

Well that's it for this week off to link up and join in before it's too late.


  1. Hi Anne. I love the card you made for your Aunt. It always amazes me home much you get done in a week.
    Annie x # 18

  2. Oh my! So busy you are. Love the card you made and the stuff on your desk. You are working with some great colors. Judy #49

  3. Hi Anne, you've had a very busy and mixed week by the sound of it. What a releif you were able to help out with the cake. The card you've made for your Aunt is lovely. The brick wall is perfect for those lovely trailing flowers. Barb xx

  4. Hi Anne, lovely card. What a stressful week you've had! Talk about if it can go wrong, it will! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #4 xxx

  5. It sounds as if you've got a lot going on in your family at the moment, Anne, not just with the wedding but all the health issues too... I love the card you have made, and recognise the sentiment stamp - I've got this one and I think it's my favourite - I always seem to be using it! It's very pretty.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - it is certainly lovely to be feeling better enough to spend some quality time being creative, and getting on with projects and just having time for some constructive experimental play! I'm afraid you and everybody else is going to have to wait a while longer before the Big Reveal of my secret projects lol! Sorry to keep you on tenterhooks! It will be a couple of weeks yet, I think!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #30

  6. Nice card Anne bet your Aunt will love that. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

  7. How nice of you to take over making the cake.. I know it will be magnificent! I hope everyone is well by the wedding and no more hospitalizations! Take care and stay well. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. Wow! Sounds like a lot of health issues going around. Glad you got some crafting time. And I hope the cake plans go smoothly.
    April #39

  9. Better late than never! Gosh, your week has been packed....hope it calms down a little. The 90th card is pretty and just're very clever!
    Hugs, LLJ 14 xx

  10. Hi Anne, By heck. I hope life treats everyone much better than of late.

    Looking forward to seeing photos of the cake.

    The card is beautiful.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #21

  11. I'm like you this week - a day behind with comments etc. had a busy day with family and friends yesterday so not complaining. Your 90th card is really lovely - perfect for the job! x Jo

  12. Well, you have been busy!
    The card you made is beautiful! I love those bricks in the background and all those pretty flowers! Well done! She'll love it.
    Thanks for visiting yesterday and apologies for the late comment. I've been so busy yesterday...
    Have a good week,


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...