Friday, 31 July 2015


Hi I like Annie's weekly Friday posts about things to smile about. Sometimes we do get hung up on the negatives and it is good to remember the positives there may been. As I posted previously last weekend I was away with three friends - we went to Chester and then on Sunday to Tatton Flower Show. Although Sunday was awful weatherwise there was a lot of laughter.
On Tuesday I went out for early tea/ late lunch with three friends and they came home with me and we were joined by another lovely lady for a craft workshop. The rest of my week has been having a massive tidy up, declutter and cleaning. I don't enjoy cleaning but I did smile when it was done !!! :-)
It was also good to see my granddaughters and their mummy and daddy as we had been away and then they were away and we'd not seen each other for two weeks- usually it's at least once a week , often more :-)
Also good to hear that our eldest son and family had safely arrived in Spain and then onto France.
Love this photo of them.

 Here is Sam showing me his new rucksack ! My mum had asked me to get him something for his birthday from her.

This was in airport lounge. Sam asked his mum to send this photo and tell me he'd had all these Cokes! I hasten to add he hadn't! :-) Just trying to trick grandma! 

I am off to link up with Annie here
What has caused you to smile this week? Come and join in. :-)


  1. .Lovely family pics this week Anne. Thanks for sharing them.
    I only love housework when it's all done too Anne :-)
    Annie x

  2. Hi Anne, happy have lovely photos on you post today, happy family and a bit of a lark with Sam and the coke bottles. Have a wonderful weekend cheers Robyn

  3. Oh he has a cheeky grin!
    Happy Friday

  4. Lovely pics - and yes he would be as high as a kite if he drank that lot! x Jo

  5. Hi Anne, I'm late getting around for woyww but I think I have caught you for a smile on a friday. Lovely pics.
    sandra de @37 (woyww)

  6. some happy smiles and outings here to keep you happy

  7. Oeg sent me over to you. What lovely happy photos. Barbxx

  8. What lovely family and looks like they are good fun. My lot are off to France on Tuesday and I'm hoping they get there OK with all the immigrant problems blocking the roads.
    Jo x

  9. He looks the age to enjoy tricking Grandma. That´s why we love them isn´t it?!
    It is always good to find something to smile about, and a clean house makes me fel good too. Kate x

  10. I totally agree with you about looking on the bright side and not giving "air-time" to the negative. I'm glad you're having such a good summer! We got home last night and I'm *sooOOOooo* happy to be home. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. It is good to sit and think about the positives rather than the negatives. I like to think I have done my best to give people a giggle on a Friday!!
    Great piccies.


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Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...