Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Hi there I'm back ( well that's if you realised I was not here last week :-) ) DH and I had a wonderful week away in Cornwall. Despite the weather not being brill elsewhere we had great weather apart from one day. We stayed in most of that day, got dressed very late, wandered to the shops for some delish food for dinner and I crafted  knitting/crochet !!!! Every other day we were out enjoying the scenery and walking etc etc. The holiday was much needed and I really chilled out and felt so much better!!!! Called in on my Mum on way back and it was lovely to see her so much brighter and doing more just six weeks after having her Pacemaker. Hospital very pleased with her.
Well we came back on Sat teatime, on Sunday joined family for my granddaughters joint birthday party and then had Phoebe yesterday afternoon, Sugarcraft this morning and then Phoebe and later Ella this pm. Tomorrow have hair app. Thursday knitting group and visiting my friend Thurs pm. Why I am I telling you all this - well on Saturday it is the card workshop I am holding - there are 12 ladies attending and I have done no real prep yet !!!! HELP. Was going to take stuff with me but decided instead to take my knitting and crochet. Ooopsss. It will get done!!!

Anyway to my desk - what's on it??? Well the crochet and knitting mentioned previously. Lemon and white - very simple baby blanket. To the right a rainbow scarf for my GS - as requested by him :-) and what is supposed to be a teddy bear. We made them this morning at Sugarcraft but he's not quite right and I will need to tweak him a bit- ears not right for a start!!!

rest of my desk - various bits and pieces needed for the workshop that I managed to sort before I went away and need to do something with!!!!! Not the pasta book though - just moved that from bookshelf trying to get to something else :-)

If you'd like to know why I am showing you my desk then pop over to Julia's Blog and join in!!!

To finish thought I'd just share the view from  lounge/patio of our holiday cottage (well converted barn) Bye for now x


  1. So glad to hear you had a great break away and that your mum is making a good recovery. Really hope your workshop goes well and you get all the prepping done in time :-)
    A x # 5

  2. Hi Anne.. what a busy lady you are! It looks like you had the best of times on your holiday and seeing Lucy! Lucky girl! Thanks for sharing all the pix. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. I quite like Mr. Teddy, Anne! You amaze me when you find fault with your creative work. Across the pond I look at your posts and say, "What???" Anne, really your work is amazing! So glad you had a good trip and am so glad your mom is feeling better!
    Blessings on you and yours and your class on Sat. :)
    Gracie xx

  4. Your holiday sounds wonderful. Looks like you are back to flat out busy now though! Love the little bear.Thanks for sharing.
    Karen no.82 x

  5. *teehee* if you keep on running around like that with all those appointments and things to do and people to see, you will probably need another vacation soon... can I come with you then? The way you describe your days off sounds fabulous! Take it easy now girl, and enjoy your week. Happy woyww and a hug from - rainy - Holland. Marit #92

  6. I am really glad that not only is your mum better but that you had a chilled out week as well! It sounds as if you've recharged your batteries a bit :-)
    That lemon and white crochet is so fresh...lovely colours for a baby blanket :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 3 xx

  7. So glad that you had a nice time and I am pleased that your Mum is doing better. Love the crochet work and that bear is cute. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#12)

  8. Your holiday sounds perfect, you were certainly very lucky with the weather and what a view.
    Love your baby blanket, yellow is such a happy colour isn't it and the sugar bear is great.I haven't done any sugarcraft for years but used to enjoy it very much.
    Happy WOYWW
    hugs Lisax #110

  9. Well we quite like your bear, but maybe a weeny tweak around the ears, but then what bear is perfect ( Podgy says he is) your holiday sounds lovely, and the view is fantastic, lucky you. Thanks for your earlier visit.

  10. Your bear is gorgeous. I always envy peeps who can make these sugar creatures. So clever!
    Isn't Cornwall wonderful at this time of year? Hubby and I were there two years ago at this time and it was very refreshing.

  11. A holiday in Cornwall, that's a dream vacation, lovely, you are so busy, I got tired just reading it LOL, Boy do I envy people who can knit, you blanket and scarf are wonderful, I like the bear just like he is, he's a little darling. You'll have that class whipped up in no time. SEE look at that view, dream vacation, thank so much for sharing and for visiting, happy WOYWW Dianne #101

  12. Sounds like a lovely holiday, and you are certainly a woman of many talents, Anne! Thank you for stopping by, and a happy woyww to you!

    #21 this week with a
    tiny peek of a tiny make

  13. What a beautiful view! I could look at that forever,

    hugs, Robin 117

  14. Oh love the rainbow scarf the colours are so vibrant, agree teddy needs tweaking but not sure by what! Spotted the choccies too YUM - BJ#1

  15. Hi Ann
    it sounds like you and DH had a wonderful holiday and it sounds like it was very much needed by you. You choose a wonderful place in our country to go to for a holiday everything moves at a slower pace there and you can take time to relax.
    Loving all your little makes
    Happy WOYWW have an enjoyable week hugs Ria #22

  16. Oh wow what a view - I could chill out nicely there!! x Jo

  17. Thanks for the visit earlier.
    Your holiday sound busy, but restful, which is the best kind. I didn't even notice the ears until you drew my attention to them, but still can't see what is so wrong with them.
    Have a great week
    Krisha #11

  18. Hi Anne,

    What a pretty yellow and white baby blanket. It sounds like you've had a wonderful time. Whew, your week has been quite busy. I'm sure the class will go perfectly on Saturday!

    I love the view from your renovated barn (cottage). I be it's perfect!!

    Thank you for visiting me already!
    Peace, Kay (43)

  19. Your desk looks incredibly organised and that view from your barn is stunning!
    Thanks for the snoop!
    Chrissie #84

  20. Hi Anne, your holiday sounds wonderful and oh my that view!!! Your desk looks very organised, mine is in complete chaos. I am going to follow you link and hopefully view some more work spaces! Sarah xo

  21. Sounds like you've had a fab time away and a busy time since you got back! The packs for the workshop will get done....just breathe! Love the teddy, he looks great to me. Hugs. Pam#68

  22. I am so jealous of you, Anne. I love Cornwall but I had to cancel my holiday there this year. One way or another (caravan, hotel or cottage), I am determined to get there for my fix of rocks and sea next year. I have also booked seats for two more concerts early next year - Richard Digance and Lindesfarne. Thank you for your visit this week and I hope your workshop goes well. xx Maggie #4

  23. That stunning photo of bliss and serenity just blasted whatever else you said right out of my head, Anne!! Seriously! How in the world do you ever leave such a place?! I can see why you felt rejuvenated afterwards!

    I'm glad you just took along what you wanted to do. Life's too short and all that! And, as you say, it will get done! Have a fun workshop! Wish I could be there!! Happy Belated WOYWW and thanks for coming by to visit me! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #57

  24. Sounds like you had a great time away. So glad to hear your Mom is doing well after her pacemaker being 'installed'. :-) I hope your class went well. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. April #61

  25. I've just seen this lovely Teddy... and forgot to say above that I loved the sugar puppy too!!
    Lyn (happy very late woyww!)


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Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...