Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Gosh I'm sure this last week went even more quickly than usual!!!
 Last Thursday we went up to Holmfirth and spent time with our son and family. Then on Saturday D.I.L. , her mum and I headed for Skipton and  Yarndale - for the weekend. Had a wonderful time there and it was a beautiful day weather wise and the area is stunning. I didn't actually buy a great deal as I am trying to use up yarn I have and finish things. Did buy a pattern and a little bit of yarn.Enjoyed looking though and I think I saw some of the bunting I contributed !!!! On Saturday evening the three of us went out for dinner and then D.I.L. went off to a party (unfortunately organised for same evening as a surprise party for a very good friend) her mum and I sat and enjoyed some wine and put the world to rights :-) On Sunday morning after a lovely continental breakfast we checked out of the hotel and went for a mooch around Skipton. Enjoyed a lovely scone, jam and pot of tea there !!!! We then set off back to Holmfirth , and then DH and I came home. Went to Sugar Craft class yesterday and have been looking after Phoebe and Ella at various points the last two days so not much paper crafting. Managed a bit of crochet and knitting while I was travelling.
Anyway must show you my desk or Julia will be telling me off. Pop along to her blog and join in the fun of WOYWW if you haven't done it before.

My desk has not changed much since last week. The tape gun still waiting for refill. The bag contains pieces for an Autumn wreath. To the left of that is the beautiful ATC I received from peggy . It is beautiful. Sorry photo not worthy. The box of chocs are for a gift as part of card making workshop - for which as yet I have done nothing :-(

So not a terribly interesting desk.
I will be around to view as many of your  desks as I can later.

For anyone interested just one/two photos from Yarndale. I didn't take many and the two of me with Lucy from Attic24 I am not going to show as I look just awful :-(

The Bunting !!!!!

Gorgeous Alpaca

Beautiful Angora Bunnies

A shopping street in Skipton. You can just see my D.I.L. trying to hide behind the hanging basket and her mum in the white and green.

Hope you've enjoyed. Sorry it's gone on a bit Julia.


  1. well I enjoyed every word and every photo!!

  2. I also enjoyed the story of all your traveling about and seeing so many wonderful things - you busy girl, you! Love the photos, I do wish you'd show us your photo with Lucy.. so we could see you! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Me, too, Anne! You got your picture with Lucy and you won't let us see????? Waaaaaa
    I am pouting, but I am so glad you had a good time and have been so happily busy :)
    Hoping to SEE you,
    Gracie xx

  4. Sounds like you had a fun time at Yarndale. Thanks for sharing.
    A x # 48

  5. Great photos but you need to tell them they can be seen trying to hide LOL Love the bunting what an amazing effort to get it all made and hung up, beautiful streets and buildings too. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 20

  6. That festival looks really awesome! Great that you shared some pictures from that :) And thanks for visiting me :)
    Uniflame #66

  7. You went to Yarndale??? I'm soooooooo jealous, having read all about the prep on Attic 24. Was it fab, I do hope Lucy was proud of herself.
    It doesn't matter a jot to us what your desk looks like, Anne, so stop apologising! We just love reading about what you get up to and seeing your great ideas. Ok?? :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 45 xxxx

  8. Oh that ATC is beautiful! And the bunting is just delicious!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for your visit!
    Kate #51

  9. I'm so jealous that you got to Yarndale!! I would have loved to have seen it all....Lucy and her gang worked their socks off. Hope it all went well.
    We don't care what your desk looks like, Anne, were just happy to see what you get up too every week.....stop apologising!!!! ;-)
    Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

  10. Sounds like you had a terrific weekend. Love all that bunting! Hugs. Pam#41

  11. Any desk with chocolate on it is interesting!

    Love the bunnies and alpaca, adorable. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the kind comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #1

  12. Thanks for sharing your lovely news and photos. Did you make all that bunting?
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B #31

  13. Wow! The photo of all that bunting is neat. It is so festive! I have to chuckle a bit over the tape gun still in need of a refill. That's why I got rid of mine. I couldn't bear to fiddle with it, such a hassle. It sounds as though you a lovely and busy time!

  14. I cant wait to see your autumn wreath! Love the ATC and the bunting is fab! So glad that you had a great time. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#63)

  15. Love that little street in Skipton, is there still a jewellers at the entrance on the left? The bunting is fabulous! Wow! So glad you had a great weekend, how lovely to have a girly one like that.
    Hugs, Neet xx 23

  16. I just have one question for you - how do you manage to keep a box of chocs on your workdesk and not eat them? I could NOT do that :o) Look forward to seeing how the wreath turns out and I really LOVE that bunting WOW! :o) Annie #71

  17. Thank you for sharing all the photos, Anne! It sounds like a lovely time. I am stunned by all the bunting! How thrilling to spot your own! Happy WOYWW! Thanks for coming by to see me! Have a wonderful couple of weeks! (Thanks too for the good wishes re my sis and the move!) Darnell #10

  18. Go refill your big PINK tape gun NOW - that is an order. Thanks for the visit BJ#39

  19. Ah the yarn dale bunting is amazing...worth all of Lucy's collecting and stringing for sure! Sounds like a really good week to me.

  20. Sounds like you had a great little holiday! LOVE the bunting!!
    Lindart ♥


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...