Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Here we are another week gone and time to visit desks around the world. Wondering what on earth I'm talking about? well click on the WOYWW button on my sidebar and find out and do join in - the lovely Julia and her band will make you welcome.

A fairly quiet week for me. I visited my Auntie , she's 90 and lives alone. we think that while she was visiting with my mum at Christmas she had a mini stroke :-( - that was on NYE but she wouldn't go to hospital!! She was down in Somerset but travelled home on the Sunday and finally called doctor who arrived while I was visiting. She is due at hospital next week!! She is a vey difficult lady to help. I do what I can.

I did go out for lunch with girlfriends last Friday - that was fun. Younger son and family visited Saturday - I enjoyed colouring and pattern making with my granddaughters.

I have managed to mess up my table preparing for my class and making birthday cards that I need to send plus a swap.

Have been asked to do another box frame Christening present so must get on with that.

To my desk

All sorts of bits and pieces - am loving the new papers from SU

I also spread out to the windowsill - love the pink glimmer paper as well!!

A card for my B.I.L. - do you like the little house? I bought it in the Christmas Sale at the Garden Centre I went to last Friday after lunch with the girls - well we actually had tea and scones there in the afternoon- didn't have pudding after lunch though earlier !!!!

sorry re small photos - I've had a time and a half trying to get this done today.

Will have to show you my makes for class next time.
As always will visit all who visit me and those ending with same number as me. Bye for now.


  1. Sorry about your mum. I remember how mine was when she was going through all of that. Have fun with your card-making! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. You say you are late but I'm even later visiting this week. :-) I've been chasing my tail all day but have now managed to get to check out a few of my fav blogs :-)
    Thanks for visiting me earlier. I do hope the Dr is able to sort out your Auntie's health problems.
    Annie x # 11

  3. Hi Anne. (We actually have the same name -- with an "e". ) :)
    Thanks for your visit and kind comments. I love that little house! What is your plan for it? What an exciting project that will be. Love that window ledge. is that a polka-dot tablecloth? Love that too because blue (especially turquoise) is my favourite colour. :)

  4. I wonder why you've been having problems with your photos today? There's no rhyme nor reason sometimes is there? I'm glad you've been having a good time with family and friends :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xx

  5. The house looks lovely. I love the polka dots on your desk. I love polka dots - they cheer me up!

    Happy crafting
    Sharon K #50

  6. Gosh Anne, they didn't even enlarge when I clicked on your photos, so I'm confused, too. That's pretty paper, what I can see of it, at least. And YES, I love that house. It is incredible and I can see a mixed media assemblage in the works! Happy WOYWW from #2.

  7. You aunt sounds like quite a lady, so much like my grandmother!

    That house IS super cute!

    #62 today with

  8. I think blogger was having problems not you. When I first started my post today it only put up small photos. I hope everything is alright with your auntie. I always enjoy time with friends and family. Hope you have a great week and thanks for visiting my desk earlier. Vickie #61

  9. Hi Anne happy WOWYW and thanks for visiting my desk. Love the little house, have a great week RobynO#36

  10. Wishing you patience with your aunt. She sounds a lot like my Nan - didn't call an ambulance as it was night time... sigh!
    Fab card


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...