Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Not done a lot of crafting over last fortnight - well think it's been a fortnight - I'm still in a bit of a daze really. More of why later for anyone interested.

Thank you as well to all those who have left good wishes for mum.

Have been trying to get to grips with a wedding card for my nephew's wedding, finishing one of the wooden horseshoes I started ages ago - where did all that time go to? Also had a little attempt to put together some ideas for my next class - if it ever happens. I do seem to have lost my mojo a bit :-(
Anyway here is my desk / aka dining table

Anyway if you'd like to join in with the weekly peek at craft desks around the world pop over to Julia's blog and join in the fun. I will visit all who visit me and all those ending with same number as me.

So why in a daze?

My mum left hospital and I went to take care of her. Her discharge from hospital was very badly handled - won't bore you with the details. I was with her for four days/ nights. No care package, missing medication etc etc. I was up every night and eventually had to call 111 and they sent a doctor out. This was after her GP had been - ignored anything re how she was and wanted to just get her to sign a DNR form. I also made endless phone calls trying to set up carers etc etc. I handed over to my sister and after a visit by a doctor mum seemed to be improving a bit. Then she handed over to our other sister. Sadly mum went downhill - in such pain - more painkillers and then just  wanted to lie down. There was another catalogue of mismanagement during Friday and early hours of Saturday. Finally my sister called 999 and she was taken to A&E, she was very poorly on admission - they diagnosed pneumonia amongst other things and my brother and I were on verge of rushing down to Somerset . She began to improve and after talking to doctors we were reassured no need to go that night so we went on Sunday, Mum was much improved but still poorly. At the moment they are carrying out various investigations. Hoping she will be transferred to a local Community Hospital , then maybe some other care until walking better and stronger. There was so much more but too much to put here. It is hard because although there are four of us - three of us don't live nearby. The journey down has been bad each time I've been - accidents and volume of traffic.

I did manage a short break in Wales ( near Aberdovey ) - prior to the weekend and mum's return to hospital. We were in a small touring caravan - it is permanently on this site - it's not ours - just hired . We were at very end. Gorgeous views. Our youngest son and family were there as well. Had a lot of fun.

I am also trying to sort out the wedding cake and gluten free cupcakes for my nephew's wedding.

My first gluten free cupcakes- a trial bake. Have done another recipe today. DH and my GD's seemed to enjoy them :-) 
 My poor sister ( it's her son getting married) has been looking after mum and had her M.I.L.'s funeral yesterday. It never rains but what it pours.

Hoping things might start to get better.


  1. Goodness sakes.. I'm so sorry how much your poor mum is going through, and the rest of you too. I hope things settle for her quickly. Hang in there. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. So sorry to read some of the story about your poor Mum - I hope she is better soon. Sadly it's the kind of story you hear all too often. Good luck with the wedding card and the cakes! Helen 4

  3. Oh Anne what a nightmare & worry it's been for you & your sister over the pass few weeks . Try to keep strange for your mum , but remember to look after yourself as well . Happy woyww Jill #8

  4. Oh dear- how horrible was that discharge procedure! I'm sorry it was so awful for your Mum. Hope all settles well soon.

  5. I'll have a bit of that sitting on the dock and eating a cake while looking at the night sky please heehee
    Lynn 12

  6. I´m sorry for all your mum and you are going through. Hope things start to get better soon! Hugs, Evelyn # 16

  7. 2015 has been a decidedly rough year for me and so many other people....I don't want to wish my life away but 2016 can't come soon enough! I know exactly what you're going through, I've been up and down the M4 for the past three years, seeing to my ill and elderly parents.
    So I'm really glad that you managed to get away..you need some down time too, else you'll go bang....
    Hugs. LLJ 12 xxx

  8. Oh dear! What a disaster! I'm sorry to hear all that palaver about your mum's healthcare. They do say it is a lottery. Some areas are better than others. I hope she will improve and you can breathe again.
    Have a better week,

  9. Oh Anne what a dreadful time you've all been having. I really hope it all changes for the better from now and life settles down for you very soon.
    Annie x # 10

  10. So sorry to hear about your mum. We went through a similar experience with my MIL - she was once discharged from hospital with a nasty tummy bug (which she contracted while she was there!). Hopefully the NHS will be able to organize some carers - once in place, the care system works quite well. Good that you have your siblings to rely on to some extent and share the burden. Happy crafting! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #28

  11. So sorry to hear about the battle you have had to get help and treatment for your mum. I can only imagine how distressing it is. In Shropshire we have a Carer's Support Service which is a charity-based service helping family carers to navigate the seemingly complicated world of getting support for a relative. I don't know whether there is anything similar down your mum's neck of the woods. Worth a google or a call to the local authority if you haven't already done this. Best of luck with it x
    Max #24

  12. My o my you have been through the wringer. Sending love and prayers. Peg R 36

  13. Your Poor mum! hope she continues to improve and a care plan and carers sorted out for her , so you dont have to keep taking that awful drive. Good luck with the baking - I am sure they will be enjoyed . Take care xx Soojay 15

  14. It's tough when someone you care about is far away. Those cupcakes look good too may you find the perfect recipe :) hugs Nikki 5

  15. Oh Anne my heart goes out to you - it's awful living a long way from ailing parents isn't it. Luckily I had my ex nurse sister Annie there when we were going through similar times. She is a treasure. I hope your mum is feeling a bit better. Coincidently I have just been baking gluten free cake. I cheated and used Udi's cake mix - sponge cake. I made a dozen blueberry and lemon with a cheesecake topping and I am waiting for Maxine to taste them before I make more for our birthday celebrations. They rose beautifully and look good! x Jo

  16. Anne! No wonder you are in daze! Your experience reminds me of when my two sisters were on a cruise with their husbands and I received a call from the friends who were checking in on mom. They had taken mom to the emergency room and she had been admitted to the hospital. I was about a nine hours drive away and had to drive from northern CA through the San Francisco Bay area to get to her. I was able to drive mom home and care for her until my sisters got home. Then because none of us could care for her in our homes we had to find a skilled nursing facility for her. We were all in a daze, including mom whose short term memory was progressively worse. Whatever your circumstances are, know that I care and wish you all well.
    Your cupcakes look yummy. I eat gluten free products and have found a number of delicious ones, and hope you find just the right recipe for what you need! xx

  17. Sorry just lost last one so will make it brief..
    Dear Ann, am so sorry to read of downhill for mum, pray it is uphill from now on in and the situation is handled more satisfactorily all around. Three hours away is not close and makes it stressful.
    Loved your Wales shots, thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x 27

  18. Not surprising that you're mojo is a bit weak at the moment, such a lot on your plate!


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...