Tuesday, 18 August 2015

WOYWW and Mum is improving

Well another week has gone by - some of it a bit of a blur if I'm honest, There have been celebrations, lots of worrying and sadness but some fun times and smiles. Before I try and recall some of the weeks events I will show you my desk as I know that's what you are here for.

So not a lot of interest really- I had some cake decorations in the chocolate box - chocs long gone.

There was a bit of crafting as I frantically tried to finish a Christening gift for my great nephew Jack. The Christening was on Sunday.

 I also had to finish the cake for my Auntie for Saturday for a drastically scaled down Afternoon Tea for her 90th birthday.
I didn't make the flowers for this cake but did do the decorating. 

I also made a Christening card for Jack - but forgot  to photograph it. :-(

Also made some cupcakes to take to my son and D.I.L's on Sat evening. They had a BBQ as a belated celebration for our other D.I.L.'s 40th birthday - they had been unable to go to previous celebrations.

I will visit all who visit me plus all ending with same number as me.  

Thank you for all the good wishes re Mum. She is still in hospital and in quite a lot of pain from pelvis injury. She is walking a little more each day. She is sounding more cheerful now. She was saying that she didn't think she could go on - but I think we've turned that corner with a good deal of encouragement. I will be going again for a few days as my sister is off on holiday again- it will be good to see her. I find it very hard being so far away and worry all the time.

It has been very busy since last Thursday with Auntie's birthday and the Christening. Then we have had our grandsons staying with us since Saturday - their mummy and daddy went home on Sunday from the Christening - had to go to work on Monday and Tuesday so we were helping out. They go home Wednesday :-(

Sadly my sisters M.I.L. passed away this morning. She died peacefully with her family but it is so sad - especially as her grandson marries in just over three weeks. Not sure yet if his other grandma ( my mum) will make the wedding. Also heard on Saturday that my dear friend's son and d.I.L. have just had their second much wanted baby and he is a Down's Syndrome baby. They are coming to terms with it and I know that he will be much loved and supported. We have a Down's Syndrome child in our family and he is delightful and to us all he is just Ryan.

Well I am still deciding if I should cancel my Crafternoon Tea this Saturday. DH and D.I.L. say no - I need to do something for me - just hope though I can finish prepping as have only Thursday and Friday to be ready :-(
 Bye for now.


  1. Hi Anne. What a rollercoaster week you've had. A true circle of life it seems. It's been one of those for us too....but that's pretty normal for us isn't it? The new baby is a real blessing....special babies are only sent to special parents. Sending you all many hugs and much love for the week ahead and here's hoping it's not quite as eventful as the last.
    Annie x # 17

  2. Wonderful gift and gorgeous looking cakes. Good to hear your mum is improving - it will take time. Sorry to hear of your sad news. Yes you do need to do something for yourself from time to time to - hope it all goes well on Saturday with your crafting event.

  3. Hoping you do, do something for "YOU"...Hugs to your mom, with all that goes on as the age, it causes stress and you NEED to take a break. Sounds like you have had lots of things to celebrate. It seems it is all or nothing sometimes. Thanks for sharing the fun photos. Hoping life is good your way as time goes by.

  4. Hi Anne, totally agree with Sylvia- with all that's going on, you do need to take some time just for you. You won't be any help to anyone if you make yourself ill with stress and all the running around you are doing. The cake looks lovely by the way. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  5. Oh dear Anne what a week, sending you a big hug - just remember to take care of yourself. RobynO#18

  6. Life is like a roller coaster Anne isn't it - so full of ups and downs. So good that you make the most of every minute - you sound to have been so busy this week! x Jo

  7. Gentle (((((hugs))) thats a heavy week . Yes you do need some "me" time and time to digest it all. Take care . Soojay 23

  8. Don't cancel, your DH is right. Nothing like a well deserved celebration to make all the sadness a little easier to bear.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  9. Gosh Anne it sounds like you have had quite a rollercoaster week! Love your cake and those cupcakes look nice too
    Good to hear your mum is getting better. Having had MIL ill recently and my Mum also, I know where you are right now. We have to take each day as it comes with my MIL who has Alzheimer's and mine with leukaemia.
    I think you should go to the crafternoon tea!! Have some time away from everything. it will still be there when you get back but a little break will do you good.

  10. That was the week that was... Well done, you got through it. I'm glad your mum is improving and feeling a bit more positive. I'm sorry about other family members passing away. Be strong. And you know what they say, that weddings and funerals bring families closer together. Looking at your family photos you are already doing that.
    I agree with your husband and do the crafternoon tea. It's something you love and it will get your mind off things.
    Birthday cake and cupcakes are gorgeous by the way. Aunty will love it. (or was it last Saturday?)
    And Jack's christening present is a real keepsake. Beautiful!
    I'm not saying Have a good week... but I wish you peace in your business and worry.


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...