Tuesday, 27 January 2015


Another Wednesday !!! Where do the days go? Time for another peek at the desks of crafters around the world. If you'd like to join in then pop along to the lovely Julia's Blog and join in the fun.

Thank you for your lovely comments last week. We took mum home on Thursday and returned here on Saturday. Had a narrow escape re M5. Heard on radio that there had been an accident so went through Bristol and rejoined M5 via M32, M4. Motorway and services were deserted. Took us longer but at least we weren't at a standstill on motorway waiting for it to reopen.

Look what the Postie delivered today!!!! 

Yes it is the bag LLJ showed us on her blog last week. Jan is selling them to help Crafty Gashead Zo raise funds for her Charity. I liked this one as soon as I saw it. my photo is not brilliant - it really is gorgeous - and for such a good cause. 
I am now trying to catch up with lots of things - not had a lot of free time since Christmas:-) I have managed to start preparation for a class on Saturday. ( weather permitting ) Also made a few more gelatine flowers and started making some sugar paste flowers. Also been doing some more knitting, including starting to make  a few hats for charity. So to my desk. 

I was practising using The Lotus Blossom Stamp ( free from Stampin Up when you spend £45) It's a three step stamp and have to say I really like this one. There are some little flowers I am using on one of the makes. I was experimenting sponging them slightly to match the cardstock. 

Some more petals etc - am making fantasy flowers - now just need to put them together. 

And finally this is what was in the smaller box I showed you last week.

And the big box?  Just the pad of grid paper shown below!!!! The box was mainly filled with brown packing paper. Crazy. 

I had quite a few problems with the delivery of these parcels - I was not a happy bunny!!!!!

Well that's all for now. Will visit as many as I am able including everyone whose number ends with same as mine.

PS Hope that everyone in US is safe in the snow if you are in areas affected.


  1. Hi Anne, what a nice bag you got! We are okay here in Oregon, no snow, just some mist and cloudiness. I enjoy how much crafty stuff you have, I know you love it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Ah joy!! Love getting new toys in the mail! Sorry you had some issues though. Enjoy! AND a new bag to boot!!! I claimed her little hedgehog on her blog today. It's ALL MINE, lol!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #5

  3. I just doing my usual blog dash while my little munchkins are happily occupied.
    I love your leaves and flowers and am looking forward to seeing them completed.
    Annie x. #23

  4. Oh, I'm so glad you like it! And thank you once again for supporting Zoe's fundraising project too. It means a lot :-)
    You've got some lovely new stash there but my favourite thing on your desk this week are the fantasy flowers - they're really beautiful!
    Hugs, LLJ 20 xx

  5. Oh my gosh you lucky girl! I was thinking about that bag but decided it would be so expensive to mail over here to Arizona. Looks like you have some fun new stuff from SU! I used to be a demonstrator as well (for oever 10 years) and they always have strange ways of mailing..lol. But well, so does Amazon. I am ok with it as I use all that packing paper in my collages these days. Happy WOYWW Shel#55

  6. Goodness, Anne. You really never stop, do you! Love that bag - fabulous - well done Jan. The petals you have made are so beautiful.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #33

  7. Hi Anne, love the bag. Looks like you are going to be very busy. I don't know where the time goes either. Have a great week and thanks for the visit, Angela x 35

  8. Goodness Anne what a lovely stash of goodies for you to play with and that bag is lovely. Those petals look like stained glass they're going to look fantastic when you've made them up. Thank you for visiting my blog Anita #42

  9. Busy as ever Anne! I do really like the lotus blossom stamps, was looking at them last night! I expect the packer who had to send you that big box was thinking the same as you..but they just have to use what's available to get the things you order to you!

  10. Lovely lot of new stash, Anne, and a nice new bag too. I love what you are doing with the lotus blossom stamp too.

    Thanks for your nice comment, and I'm glad you like my embroidery. It's good to have something I can do while I'm in this limbo state. I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers, and feel that Shaz and I are a team in this!! Many thanks indeed.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #48

  11. So many fun things--what a great bag, and all the wonderful supplies--you are going to have some wonderful creative fun!

    Thank you for stopping by this woyww!
    #62 this week

  12. Love your gelatine work, it is very stained glass looking against the backdrop of your window,
    dThat is a gorgeous bag you have bought, now what are you going to use it for? Some of that stash could go on for the time being.
    Hugs, Neet 1 (with a very sore finger preventing her typing properly)

  13. Hello!

    So many projects going on - what a busy woman! I love reading your post last week and this week! Beautiful fantasy flowers! I love the gird paper and have it on my workdesk all the time. I have received many packages from SU with only one item in a large box and lots of paper! :<) Don't know why. Wishing you a wonderful week!


    Barbara Diane

  14. Hi Anne, gorgeous bag. Hope you didn't throw the brown packaging paper away as it could be very useful. I agree though it's crazy how companies use massive boxes to post things and then pad them out with loads of paper. Happy crafting, Angela x 35

  15. Oh that bag is gorgeous! Lucky you!
    I love those fantasy flowers. Would you take a picture when you put them together please? I'd love to see that.
    What a nice box of goodies! It's always nice to open boxes with 'stuff'. Like Christmas all over again.
    Thank you for visiting yesterday,
    Have a great week,

  16. Oh that bag is just amazing I would love to get one but a bit worried about the conversion rate and postage here. I really should dig deeper to find out how much. Also all those wonderful goodies from Stamping Up lucky you, looks like you will be busy for awhile playing with your new stock. Thanks for visiting already and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 45
    Belated WOYWW greetings

  17. What wonderful goodies you've got in your post today! The bag is great and I'm sure you will enjoy playing with all the goodies from the boxes. How weird that they used such a big box filled with brown paper.

  18. Seems to be a common Stampin' Up thing. I received a huge parcel today containing one small set of unmounted stamps, the rest brown paper. The box was a waste, they could have put it in a padded envelope and saved me a lot of postage.


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...