Tuesday, 5 November 2013


It's that time again !!! If you don't know what i'm on about then pop over to the lovely Julia's Blog and find out what I'm on about and join in !!!!

Let me see since last Wednesday ( and how quickly has the time passed again)  I've entertained my Mum, my sons and their families, went to Phoebe's birthday celebration, visited my friend in hospital and then been to Yorkshire to see my eldest son and go to a The World Cup Rugby League Match in Huddersfield (England v Ireland) on a very cold Saturday afternoon ( but thoroughly enjoyed the experience) , looked after Phoebe for two afternoons and Ella after school for two afternoons, been to Sugar craft and managed one or two other crafting bits!!!!

Anyway to my desk- if you are of a nervous disposition then look away now!!! I have not put away properly since card workshop. Had to make some bits and pieces very swiftly and have had no time to tidy - so here goes - the dining table is my desk ( well where I mainly work ) below the beginnings of a birthday card for my great niece Tabitha ( Oh that makes me sound ancient :-) )

More bits for the card and to the left some bits and pieces for another card.

A view towards end of table- the pink bag contains beads and other bits and pieces of jewelry making for a project I am trying to get finished - there is stuff from a Stampin' Up! order waiting to be put away and the start of some swaps.
Well that's it re my desk - short and sweet - again !I will visit the blogs I regularly visit, those ending in same number as me and those who visit me.


Also mentioned mum being here ( she is doing well following the Pacemaker being fitted)
Here she is at Phoebe's Birthday Tea. Phoebe is on left with Sam and Harry and Ella are at the back. My sons are to the right of my mum. You can glimpse my D.I.L. Carolynn next to Ella ( Carolynn is Harry and Sam's mum) 
Carolynn, Harry and Sam waiting for Rugby to start. Sam was ok though he doesn't look happy there . 
Members of Armed Forces waiting with England and Ireland flags. Although there are a lot of empty seats to be seen it was in fact full when game started. It was cold, it rained but I enjoyed the experience immensely. We soon warmed up later and had a great evening. Fish and Chips, wine and chocolate. We were going to a Bonfire Night do but the weather was so awful that night we stayed in. 

Well that's it for now. I've lots to do tomorrow so will post this tonight. x 


  1. Hi Anne, my goodness you've been busy! But I find life is best when busy with lots of things. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. What a great time you had with your family..lovely pics there! And it's good to see your Mum doing so well after all the ups and downs :-) Now it sounds as if it's time to take care of yourself, Anne....I'm in a similar sort of position as well so I really do understand.
    Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

  3. The joys of a dining table - it usually got more space then a desk :). (Unfortunately, I have to clean it for dinner). Lovely full table though! And a lovely but busy time with your family, don't rush yourself too much!
    Debbie / Daqa # 57

  4. I see a lot of crafty stuff there! I have a lot of SU inks, and use them often. I also keep two of those metal tins holding my supplies on my desk! Glad to hear your mom is doing well. Looks like the tea was a hit. I love to hold them for my girlfriends, and for the little ones too. Enjoy the week! Winnie#66

  5. Busy lady! You need to sit down & craft, lol! Looks like the family times were enjoyed by all. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #28 xx

  6. wow! Busy You!! All I've been doing is walking miles with dogs! (and trying to write and make cards!) I didn't want to get into Google + it feels a bit Big Brother is watching you! but it was sooooo annoying not being able to comment, even in Youtube....to answer a question or anything, with out this pop up wanting to 'join everything up' and call me by my 'real name', which I didn't want (I mean, why would I not want to be Spyder's Corner any more!?) but it asked me a different question... and I was fooled into clicking the button! Lovely pictures, looks like everyone had a great time!!
    Have a great crafty week!! Thank you for my snoop! HaPpy WoYwW!?
    was #36

  7. Looks pretty tidy to me ( by my standards) and the pics are fab!
    Thanks for the snoop!
    Chrissie 60

  8. Hi Anne,
    Whew, I'm out of breath and I only read what you've been up to! So glad your mum is doing well! The party looks like it was great fun; although I'm not too sure I'd be sitting in the cold for rugby.

    In your comment you mentioned your grans asking for scarves for Christmas. That has to be the greatest compliment- for them to want something that you've made!! How wonderful.

    Thank you for visiting me already! I'm off today so will be having fun desk hopping.

    Happy WOYWW

  9. Wow you have been busy and I am not shocked by your desk, you might be when you see mine!

    Your Mum looks great in the photo, hope she finds the pacemaker helps.
    Cazzy x #83

  10. Oh and if you want some words on your header I can do it for you if you like, unless you have a program you can do it in. We used to have that header at Quirky Crafts, got a new one and I customised that, you see it is meant for words to be on it, in the circle and where the banner is. Let me know if you want it, email me with what you want and I will have a go and send it back.
    Cazzy x

  11. I'm so thrilled to hear your Mum has made a good recovery and even more thrilled to hear I'm not the only one chasing my tail all week to get everything done :-)
    A x # 41

  12. You are a busy bee - thanks for sharing the fab photos and also for your giveaway suggestions on my blog. x Jo

  13. Your desk is barely a mess at all :) Love the card and that CAKE a post down BTW. Glad I got to see them as I drifted off the WOYWW post

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (23)

  14. Hi Anne. Thanks for the visit earlier. Hubby not really any better - Drs say he won't be!! - but we plod on regardless. Your desk/dining table looks wonderfully creative - lots going on there - just wish I could say the same about mine. Keep promising myself "I WILL get back there soon"!!! You have had a great week with your family - fabulous - well done.
    Margaret #49

  15. Hi Anne, you tired me out in your first paragraph with the list of things you have been doing in one week!! Glad your Mum is continuing to be on the mend after the pacemaker being fitted. Annette #14

  16. Your desk looks full of creativeness :) and love your marker holders Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 33

  17. Amidst all your busy creative work it is fun to be introduced to your family, Anne! I'm so glad your mom us feeling better! Things are still hopping around here. Rose is 11 days old. Her dad is still home from work to help until Sunday, and 2 out of state friends are here helping as well.
    Gracie xx

  18. Your mum looks really well, good to see. I was exhausted reading about your week, no wonder you didn't put everything away! Hugs. Pam#37

  19. Hi Anne, wow you've been really busy! Good to see your Mum looking so well.

    Now young lady, it's AGES since you came to play in the Snippets Playground, next time you use up some snippets, why not join us? I do believe I smell mulled wine from behind the bike shed!

    Hugs, Di xx

  20. Tried to look away but couldn't, I survived though.Thanks for visiting BJ #108


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...