Wednesday, 30 October 2013


I think I may have made it this week by the skin of my teeth!!! Phew it's been hectic once again so nothing new there ;-)

I have managed to make three Christmas cards for a Rudolph Day challenge (UKPC ) but have also been working on my granddaughters birthday cake. It didn't help that I made the cake twice. I wasn't pleased with my first bake and so baked again!!!! Then of course had to decorate. Also had mum here - a short visit really as she came Monday evening and goes back tomorrow. Think she's enjoyed it even though it has been a bit noisy being with her great grandchildren.

So here goes - the cards for Rudolph Day- I was inspired by a couple of ideas I saw in blogland - but my own interpretation.

The one below needs some wording at the front- it's an easel card.

The cake - not very well staged for the photo but I forgot to take the photo at home. 

In case you are unsure :-) it's Sleeping Beauty !!!! 
Well that's it for this week- short for me Hurrah says Julia. 
If you want to join in and look at far more interesting desks than mine then pop along to Julia's Blog and see what's what and join in!!!! Bye for now.  x


  1. Love your Christmas cards! You've used one of my fave embossing folders! I drag this out very year for Christmas. :) Fab cake! Luster spray! Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #6

  2. I knew who the cake was Anne :-) It's brilliant. Well done you.
    A x # 47

  3. some stunning cards , & a fab cake . Happy woyww Jill #37

  4. Lovely cards 0 very classy design - and a gorgeous cake. What a beautiful princess you have made and I adore the run-out no 4 you did.
    thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx

  5. Beautiful cards Anne. The cake looks gorgeous, such a pity to cut it. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. That cake is simply stunning!! Your GD must have been over the moon excited about it!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Very cute cards and what's special cake for I net she is a princess. Happy 4 th birthday to your granddaughter !n!

  8. As I said on UKPC, AMAZING cake, beautiful colour, my favourite. Thanks for the visit BJ#50

  9. How lucky to be your granddaughter! That Sleeping Beauty cake is incredible! So are all your lovely wreath cards! TFS!! Happy Belated WOYWW and thanks for coming to visit me! Have a creative week!! Hugs, Darnell #9

  10. Wow, Anne, how could anyone be unsure! your cake is wonderful, how on earth do you follow that year on year!!! bet Phoebe will smile for a week. well done for fitting in a few cards, too..they're lovely.

  11. So glad you are having a happy week of visits and celebrations with your family, Anne! Thanks for letting us see your latest creative efforts. The cards are lovely, and I did not have any trouble recognizing Sleeping Beauty :) So well done!
    Gracie xx

  12. Gorgeous cards and what an amazing cake... lucky 4 year old.

  13. Happy Very Belated WOYWW. What an amazing cake. Love the cards too. Ali x #36


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Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...