Wednesday, 21 August 2013


It's that time again!! WOYWW!!! What's it all about? Well if you don't know then pop over to The lovely Julia's and join in!!!

Well I have a few photos' this week - sorry if too many Julia.
I had lost my enthusiasm a bit ( a lot of other things going on) and felt that I needed a good sort out in my 'craft room' (aka dining room)
So I set out to have a sort out. I'd stacked things up, pushed things into any little space and was also getting frustrated cos I couldn't find things easily.
So here goes!  I know to some it would seem not so untidy anyway but I need to know where my things are and be able to access them easily - we're all different aren't we!!

So this is how it was!!

And after the big tidy up!!!!

Below my actual desk - I've moved some bits off there as well. My old trusty sewing machine!!!

All ready to go! In the box are some card snippets which I am keeping close in an effort to use them up.

And ta da I started making again and so it's soon back in a mess but at least things are in better places for access.
Am struggling though with the above card , can't quite get it right. Anniversary card for son and D.I.L. 
As you can see soon created another mess but this is easier to put away when I have finished :-) well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

Sorry photos are not the best I took them yesterday and last night.
Off to link up and start visiting other desks. Back soon.


  1. What a wonderful huge space you have to play in! I am so envious of you!

  2. You stick with your story, Anne! Great tale - and so reminiscent of any efforts I occasionally make to tidy up. As soon as I start again - oops - another mess. Unless I'm working on pergamano - for some reason, I never get in a mess then...
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #55

  3. Well done you with the big tidy up. I love creating in a tidy space :-)
    A x # 61

  4. Well, you see Anne, I love your new clear work desk!! I just can't work in mess, it drives me nuts. I think my inner OCD is getting worse as I get older! I'm so glad that you're creating again, you have a great eye for colour :-)
    Thanks for dropping by already,
    Hugs, LLJ 63 xx

  5. A crafter always gets messy workdesks when crafting! Sometimes cards don't always work out right to start with, then the inspiration comes and it's soon finished and looking great! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 98 x

  6. Love the before and after photos, Anne. Amazing what a difference a bit of a tidy up makes! I am sure you'll crack that card - it already looks very promising.

    Thanks for your great comment - yes, all very exciting now, and the end is in sight! Soooo much still to do, though, and I'm nothing like ready at this end either! At least I'm not having to dash off to the loo every 5 mins which really helps. Thanks for your good wishes for our move. Not long now.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #94

  7. Looks like you've been busy. are you a quilter? i think i may try my and at hand quilting. the tidy up looks like a success. Mine usually does not last too long.

  8. Well worth all the effort - you have made a fab job of it all. x Jo

  9. Well it looks great to me! You can come round here and sort me out too! I keep saying I need more shelves, that would be a great help with the 'keeping it tidy', because once I take down or bring out a box, to get to another, they all get piled up and the whole place is a mess again! Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) #5 (I was up all night!)

  10. The card is looking really good and I am sure you will soon have some inspiration back again.
    Great new look when you tidied and it is always good to have a sort out and know where to find things that have got misplaced.
    Hugs, and thanks for the visit to me - Neet 32 xx

  11. Hi Anne - that was a super tidying session, well done!

    Am struggling here with an anniversary card too, sigh. Why do we set ourselves these challenges. And speaking of challenges, why not make a card or more using some snippets and came and play in the Snippets Playground. They're a lovely bunch of girlies, really friendly too.

    Happy WOYWW!

    Hugs, Di xx

  12. oh and the funny shapes are catfacing...

  13. That's a heck of a difference, well done you! #69

  14. Good for you for tidying up! Looks great and indeed cleaning up after that will be much easier. =)
    Happy WOYWW Hugs Monique #110

  15. Love having a tidy & sort, I find all sorts of treasures I'd forgotten about! Great workspace, as long as it works for us, thats what counts, right? Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #50 xx

  16. Good job...I know how frustrating it is not be able to lay our hands on stuff we want to use. But when I put things away I can't find them. Snoop on! Carole #111

  17. Oh... the tidying up.. I need to do that in my "office" (hoarder's room). Good job on all the organization!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  18. I love the before (chaos), after (uber neat) and later (messy again) photos...they really tell the story of your crafting! Thanks for visiting earlier...lovely to hear from you again. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#87)

  19. the room looks great after the tidy! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #20

  20. you did really well with your tidying up and I want you to tell yourself this is not mess again it is crafting goodness
    Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #85

  21. OOh ! I wanted to sound a little triumphant trumpet when I saw you post tidy up picture ! well done you ! Hi thanks for stopping by earlier !Ali #30

  22. That's where you and I differ. It's when I tidy that I can't find anything :) I like the before and after photos and then back to mess. That's how it should be. I hope inspiration hits you and you can finish your card, it looks fabulous to me, love the little flower on the desk too.
    Have a great week.
    Von #62

  23. Great tidiupness. BJ#132 rather late this week!

  24. First pic looked just fine to me? glad you enjoyed your sort out though. My Mum is a card maker and always agonises on cards for us, they are always beautiful and so special, and always kept.

    Lynda #94

  25. Fabby photos of before,clean and right back at creative mess again :)hugs Nikki 22 thanks for the visit

  26. Wow... you really did have a good sort out and tidy up! I have to be able to see things or I forget to use them. Apologies for my late arrival of doing the round of WOYWW desks! Annette #6

  27. What an incredible difference between the before and after photos. Very, very nicely done. and messes really ARE easier to clean up once you have the whole thing under control.

    Thanks for visiting me on Wednesday Happy slightly late WOYWW from #10.

  28. Well done with the sort and clean, Anne! Your space looks amazing! I'm the same way. I need to know where things are and I have to have easy access or I get disoriented and then the creative juices don't flow. The key for me is to put things away after every card or series of cards. I love that clean "start over" feeling! Can't you just picture me rubbing my hands together after I get it clean and start thinking about the next thing?! LOL!

    Anyway Happy Very Belated WOYWW and thank you for your sweet get well wishes! I'm taking it easy and only making cards and blog visits. Mister is waiting on me hand and foot. Oh, wait, he does that everyday! I'm a lucky, lucky girl! Hugs, Darnell #16

  29. Hello Anne, your home and your workspace is fantastic. You are very creative. Kisses and hugs.


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...