Wednesday, 30 May 2012


It's Wenesday again and time to share our desks with other crafters and WOYWW'ers  all over the world. It's also avery special WOYWW as it is the third Anniversary of the first WOYWW. If you still haven't a clue what I am knattering on about well pop over to Julia's - just click on the button at bottom of my blog and join in the fun.

My desk is not really very interesting this week really
The little box is still there awaiting completion. To the left you can see the bottom edge of a card I am making.

Second half you can see paper and card etc I need to finish making two cards and the box.

So for this week that's it for me. Be back soon.


  1. At least you have something happening on the desk that is interesting, you might not think so but I do. Thanks for sharing. Happy crafting

    Eliza #140

  2. Hi name is Zeffy and it is posted after your name so I need to send you an ATC...please mail me your addie at
    your desk is super must be amazing having 4 grand-children...when do you find time to craft?

  3. Happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary!
    Have a great week. x Jo

  4. Hope you have a great week.
    Happy 3rd WOYWW birthday.
    A x #89

  5. That little box looks sweet! look forward to seeing it completed. Happy WoYwW 3rd Anniversary, and here's to many more :o) x April #95

  6. Hi Anne,

    Happy third anniversary! Per Julia's instructions, I'll send you an ATC. I'm hoping to get them in the post Friday so could you please email me your mailing address to

    Your desk looks nice and busy. I kind of cheated and really didn't do a photo of my desk, rather projects.

    Kay #145

  7. Sorry I'm late getting here! Love your busy desk though - and a late Happy WOYWW, Helen 8

  8. Hi Anne happy 3rd anniversary and what a great desk, you have lots of brill stash including my favourite stickles and stampin up. Have a great day, Laura

  9. Happy 3rd WOYWW! Awesome looking desk with lots of fun stash to play with. Sorry I am late getting around but figure it is better late then never. Have a great week. Vickie #178

  10. Happy 156 WOYWW!!
    Hope you have fun swapping your ATCs - there's been a lot of happiness spread around the world these past few days!
    Hugs,LLJ ~65 xx

  11. I spy all kinds of lovely Stampin Up goodies!! Looking forward to seeing your finished cards and box!

  12. Looks like lots of creativity "in the process"! Valerie #174

  13. Looks like lots of creativity going on. Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW anniversary!

    Ali #86


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...