Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Where on earth does the time between one Wednesday and the next go. It only seems like yesterday I was posting WOYWW 149. If you want to know what it's all about go to button at end of my blog and it will take you to WOYWW boss lady Julia. Will be off there in a minute myself to go and have a nosey at other desks around the world.

I must put that Christmas card - the snowman one away- he keeps on popping up everywhere.I have been having another reorganisation of my desk space and storage space . I don't really like that stack of boxes at the side there but am trying to think of and alternative. Have been having a play at some cards'gifts for a workshop I've been asked to do.

The pile of tools you can see there were tipped out of my bag as I was trying to find the tip off the syringe that has the clear glue in it ( only I can't think what it's called!!!!****)

 Oooooohhhhh where did that caddy with inkpads come from :-)

Those ink pads look lonely think I'll have to get some more.
Well that's about it. I'm not really doing as much crafting as I would like at the moment. Seem to be pulled in too many directions at the moment.
Anyway thanks for looking. hope to 'report in next week'  :-) Anne x


  1. Lots of lovely things there waiting to be used - hope you get some crafting time soon - Hazel, WOYWW #85 x

  2. oh, definitely more ink pads needed to fill up that lovely caddy on your desk, lol!!
    The bin cover is for the teenage daughter of a friend. It's designed to be removable for washing but probably will need a liner to cope with all the eye makeup remover pads!!
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  3. Snowmen just get everywhere don't they! *G*
    Carolyn #82

  4. Yes I agree more ink pads on your next order!!! lovely desk, Hugs May x x x No2

  5. Thanks for your comments. Carolynn tried to leave you a comment but don't seem able to. Anne x

  6. I'm so jealous of your caddy Anne! I keep thinking about getting SU ink pads, but I have so many others already that I'm afreaid to start another new collection! Would you recommend them?
    Chuffed to see that my card is still hanging around! I thought he would've melted away by now! lol!

    Happy WOYWW


  7. very creative desk. I spied the SU catalog. Can't believe that in a couple week's we will need to order the new ones. I am excited! Have a great week and thanks for visitng my blog! Vickie #32

  8. Hi Anne, it's so nice to have all those wonderful tools of the trade. We're going to the beach for 5 days and I look forward to some nice crochet time. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Love the logic behind buying more ink pads LOL. Great kitchen caddies at the back - they look so good lined up there.
    Thanks for visiting me and for showing us your creative space - Hugs, Neet xx #1 (and for putting your number)

  10. Lovely crafty space and I think all us crafters are always looking for storage I know I am lol. Hugs Amnda #146

  11. Aside from the small pile in the middle your desk looks very well organised. Is it Pinflair glue or just plain silicone glue - might be one of those. You can never have too many ink pads.....from one who knows! Regards, Anne #30

  12. Great snoop - thanks for sharing and for calling over at mine x Jo

  13. You look busy, fab ink pad storage too! Take care & enjoy this weeks WOYWW snoop, I'm still nosing! Zo xx17

  14. definitely get some more inkpads:D thanks for sharing

    Lisa #112

  15. Well, don't you just love a snowman that doesn't know when to go home! I figure Anne, that if you can't be crafting, you may as well be thinking about new stash...specially the sort that has a nice storage rack waiting for it. Bliss!

  16. Oooooh! Your desk looks full of fun and crafty goodness! Your little snowman card is so cute...I would be happy to have one keep popping up on my desk!

    Thanks for taking a peek at my craft space. I posted the pics of what the covered blob was on my desk if you want to come see what it was!!

    Have a great week!

    Amy E. #4

  17. Creative clutter, Anne! It seems to be a necessary part of my productivity. I am trying to finish a crochet project as a gift to be given tomorrow and am astonished time has been tumbling by so quickly! Hope your craft demo goes well! <3

  18. Great desk with lots going on... thanks for popping in on me and I'm trying to catch up now I'm back from hols.
    Love JoZarty x

  19. loving your new storage,organisation is a fave of mine
    playing catch up
    happy woyww
    kay #51

  20. LOL! Love the way you sneaked a new caddy in there! Happy Belated WOYWW #45

  21. Looks like you have been busy! The new caddy looks very handy, lots of room for more inks too! I didn't post last week as I've had the dreaded flu bug :o( should be back to normal by this wednesday now! x


I love receiving comments and promise I will read them all.

Popping by again

 Just popping by to say hello. Not a lot to report really.  I had a table, with a friend at a Craft fair at a local church. We got our table...