Thursday 22 March 2012

Yesterday afternoon I spent starting to make some sugar flowers for my sister who is going to put them on her M.I.L. 's 90th birthday cake. I couldn't concentrate on anything else whilst waiting for news of my mum (see yesterdays post) .
This morning I had a hospital appointment and when I got back I felt like making cards. They are nothing spectacular but it kept my mind busy.

I bought myself these few tulips on Tuesday as I loved the colour and they have cheered me every time I've looked at them.

The card below is for a swap for which I am late. I am not usually late with swaps ( think this is first time, I hate being late for anything)  but the last two weeks have been unusual. I hope the recipient will understand.

The second one is for my nephew's wife. Last week was the funeral of his Auntie who died unexpectedly ( see earlier post) and then later that week his wife's grandma died. She was very close to her grandma. So am just sending a few words to say we are thinking of them.

I have to send a cheque to someone who is organising flowers for a lady who has just lost her mum. Am just going to put a little note on this to lady doing the organising ( this is another forum friend- there are some lovely 'virtual' friends out there aren't there) Not sure about this card though- not quite right.

Didn't make this today it was a card for a collection that were being sold- this one didn't sell tho the pink version did!

That's all for now I think. Oh yes my sis has seen mum tonight and said she seemed abit brighter. See you soon. Anne x


  1. You have been busy, Anne! The cards are lovely and I'm sure that those who receive them will appreciate your care. So glad your mum is healing. <3

  2. All of your cards would be treasured by anyone who was lucky enough to get one. Great flowers, too!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Great selection of snippets cards. Hope your Mum pulls through ok. My Mum is 92 and just spent a month in hospital. She got rushed in one evening with meningitis. Week later she had peupneumonia and then got a urinary infection. Just getting over that when she had a minor heart attack. She is out now and in a nursing home but still very poorly. Anyone of the thingss she has had could have been a killer but she has survived so if my mum can pull through so can yours. hugs Mrs A.

  4. Hi Anne, just spotted your comment! Don't worry about showing more than one card, Maggie for example saves hers up and does one big post with a few in each week - we like to have a good nosey round :) And they're lovely cards too, albeit for some sad reasons.

    Can you put a link to the snippets posting on my blog into your own posting though - then I'll include you in the roll call on Sunday. Just drop me an email if you forget how.

    Di xx

    1. Hi Di sorry didn't get round to the link will try to do it this week. Anne x

  5. Lovely cards Anne, sorry to hear all the troubles your family has been through recently. Hope you mum continues with her recovery.

    Brenda (Popped in from the snippets playground!)

  6. Your cards are really lovely, Anne. So sorry you have had such worries this week. It is so hard to write cards for the relations of close friends, isn't it. I had one to do this week, and just kept breaking up. Hope next week is better for you and your Mum continues to improve. xx Maggie

  7. Thank you for al your kind comments re mum and my cards. Anne x


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 It's been a while since I said hello. However just want to pop in and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas.  I have cleared away most th...